80+ Funny Winter Jokes for Kids (and Grown-Ups Too!)
Winter jokes for kids are a great way to warm up with laughter when the weather turns cold.
When I started putting funny jokes in the lunchbox as a way to connect with my son a few years back, I had no idea how powerful these silly little jokes would be.
Each time I collected a new set of jokes or riddles (like Knock-Knock jokes, winter riddles, Groundhog Day jokes, or math jokes), I found a new way to use them as a parenting tool.
It sounds funny to suggest that winter jokes might help you with parenting during these extra cold months… but I want you to trust me on this one. I’ve received enough emails to know that jokes come in very handy!
Funny Winter Jokes for Kids
- What do you call a slow skier? – A SLOPEpoke!
- What can you catch in the winter with your eyes closed? – A Cold.
- What food do you get when you cross Frosty with a polar bear? – A “brrr” – “grrr”.
- What is the best breakfast cereal to eat in the winter? – Frosted Flakes!
- What kind of math do Snowy Owls like? – Owlgebra.
- Why did Frosty go to the middle of the big lake? – Because snow man’s an island.
- How do you know that a snowman was in your home? – You find a carrot in a puddle next to the fireplace.
- What did the police officer say when he saw the snowman stealing? – Freeze!
- What do you call a snowman temper tantrum? – A meltdown.
What’s white and goes up? – A confused snowflake
- What do you call 10 Arctic hares hopping backward through the snow together? – A receding hare line.
- What did the tree say after a long, cold winter? – What a re-leaf!
- What do you call a ghost in the winter? – Casp-brrr.
- What did the icy road say to the car? – “Wanna to go for a spin?”
- What does a barbershop serve in winter? – Cold cuts!
- Which is faster, hot or cold? Hot—you can catch cold pretty easily!
- What do you call a play or musical in the North Pole? – Snow business.
- What do you call a snowman in summer? – A puddle.
- Did you hear about the snowman spy? – He has a license to chill.
- What did one snowflake say to the other? – “You’re one of a kind.”
- How did the snow globe feel after listening to a scary story? – A bit shaken up!
- How does a snowman get to work? – By icicle.
- What did the toque say to the warm woolly scarf? – You hang around while I go on ahead.
- How do you know when it is too cold to picnic outside? – You chip your tooth on your soup!
- How would you scare a snowman? – Get a hairdryer!
- What happened when an icicle landed on the snowman’s head? – It knocked him out cold.
- Why are bad school grades like a shipwreck in the Arctic Ocean? – They’re both below C level!
- Why did Princess Elsa fall off her sled? – She let it go
- Why did the girl keep her saxophone out in the snow? – She wanted to play cool jazz.
- What do you call one day below freezing and the next day at 70 degrees? – “It’s snowing today, but water you doing tomorrow?”
Why did Frosty go to the middle of the big lake? – Because snow man’s an island.
- What’s the scariest part of owing Santa money? – He snows where you live.
- What do you call a snowman on rollerblades? – A snowmobile
- Why do birds fly south for the winter? – Because it’s too far to walk.
- What do you call a wintertime hip-hop artist? – Frozen-T.
- Why do seals swim in saltwater? – Because pepper water makes them sneeze!
- What vegetable was forbidden on the ships of Arctic explorers? – Leeks.
- What do computers wear in the winter? – Snow-boots.
- If the sun shines while it’s snowing, what should you look for? Snowbows.
- Why did the farmer only wear one boot to town? – He heard there would be a 50 percent chance of snow!
- What do women use to stay young looking in the Arctic? – Cold cream.
Related Post: January Jokes and February Jokes
Jokes About Snow
- How do polar bears make their beds? – With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.
- What does Jack Frost like best about school? – Snow and tell.
- What falls but never gets hurt? – Snow.
- What sort of ball doesn’t bounce? – A snowball.
- Why do reindeer have fur coats? – Because they look silly in snow suits.
- When is a polar bear not a polar bear? -When it’s in a grizzly mood.
Snowman Jokes for Kids
These silly jokes are perfect for the first snowfall of the season. (You can see the full list of snowman jokes here.)
- What do snowmen call their offspring? – CHILL-dren.
- How do you scare a snowman? – Get out a hairdryer.
- What did the snowman and his wife put over their baby’s crib? – A snowmobile.
- What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog? – Frost bite.
- Why was the little snowman sad? – Cause he had a meltdown.
- What do snowmen eat for lunch? – Icebergers.
- What sort of cakes do snowmen like? – Any cake with lots of icing.
- What do you get if you cross a snowman and a shark? – Frostbite.
What do you call an old snowman? – Water.
- What do you call a snowman that tells tall tales? – A snow-fake!
- What is a snowman’s favorite drink? – Iced tea.
- What did the snowman say after losing its arm? – I’m never playing fetch again!
- Why did Frosty the snowman want a divorce? – Because he thought his wife was a flake.
- What do you call a snowman with abs? – An abdominal snowman.
- What was Frosty the Snowman’s career? – He was in snow business.
- What is a snowman’s favorite snack? – Ice Krispy Treats.
Why don’t mountains get cold in the winter? and Other Jokes About the Cold Weather
If you’re looking for a good dad joke, these jokes about cold weather are about as corny as they get.
- Why don’t mountains get cold in the winter? – They wear snow caps.
- Who are Frosty’s parents? – Mom and Pop-Sicle.
- What is a mountain’s favorite type of candy? – Snowcaps.
- What do you eat when you’re cold and angry? – A Brr Grr.
- What is the favorite Mexican food of snowmen? – Brrrr – itos.
Jokes About Ice
- What did the snowman say to the customer? – Have an ice day!
- What two letters of the alphabet do snowmen prefer? – I.C.
- What’s an ig? – A house made of ice, without a loo!
- How do snowmen greet each other? – “Ice to meet you!”
What do you call a penguin that steals baby octopuses?… and Other Penguin Jokes for Kids
These cute penguin jokes are just right for 4-year-olds, 10-year-olds, and every age in between.
- What do you call a penguin that steals baby octopuses? – A SQUIDnapper.
- Where do penguins go to the movies? – At the DIVE-in!
- What do you call a penguin in the Sahara desert? – Lost.
- Why do penguins swim in saltwater? – Because pepper water makes them sneeze!
- Why don’t penguins fly? – Because they’re not tall enough to be pilots.
- How does a penguin build a house? – Igloos it together
- Why was the king penguin’s wife so misunderstood? – She was a total ice queen.
Best Winter Knock Knock Jokes
We love a good knock-knock joke around here and this list of the best winter knock knock jokes is amazing!
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce in, it’s cold outside!
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? Snow. Snow who? Snowbody!
- Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Snow. Snow who? Snow laughing matter.
- Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Emma. Emma who? Emma feeling bit cold out here – let me in!
- Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Icy. Icy who? Icy you.
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? Ivan. Ivan who? Ivan awful cold right now.
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? Atch. Atch who? Bless you!
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? Gladys. Gladys who? Gladys winter. What about you?
Jokes as a Parenting Tool
Now let’s get to the important stuff! How can we use these silly little printable jokes to help with parenting?
- In the lunch box, cute jokes offer an awesome opportunity to let your kids know you are thinking about them… without the embarrassment of a sappy love note. (That last part came from my son. Please, no more love notes Mom! Wahhhh)
- Sometimes, it’s hard to come back from tense moments. Once a conflict has been solved, the mood may still call for a little extra love. Telling a silly joke is the perfect way to restore a happy environment.
- Jokes work perfectly for taking a quick break in between not-so-fun chores. “When all the blocks are piled next to the shelf. I’ll tell you a joke. When they are put on the shelf, you can tell me one!”
If you liked these printable winter jokes — you might also want to check out the Best Joke Books for Kids.
Share your favorite winter joke for kids in the comments.
More Jokes for the Winter Season
The winter months hold a lot of fun and excitement. These jokes are perfect to pair with a holiday event or just to make an everyday moment a little more special.
Jokes for December
Jokes for January
Jokes for February
Get your Printable Winter Jokes for Kids
Get your copy of these printable winter jokes for kids. And use the tips in this post to support your parenting efforts.
Click here to get your printable winter jokes.
These are great! Thank you!