Funny Snowman Jokes for Kids (Includes Printable!)

Building a snowman is our favorite thing to do when the snow is falling. When the snow is not falling, dreaming of building a snowman is our favorite thing to do. Either way, these snowman jokes are perfect for a snowy smile.

Once you’ve laughed your way through these, check out the winter joke, winter pun, and winter riddle collections.

Snowman jokes for kids

Snowman Jokes for Kids

  • Where does a snowman keep his money? – In a snow bank.
  • What do you call a snowman in the summer? – A puddle.
  • What do snowmen eat for breakfast?- Frosted Flakes.
  • What do you call an old snowman? – Water.
  • What do snowmen wear on their heads? – Ice caps.
  • What do you call a snowman on rollerblades? – A snowmobile.
  • What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman? – Have an ice day.
  • What do snowmen call their offspring? – Chill-dren.
  • What is a snowman’s favorite Drink? – Ice Tea.
  • Why was the snowman’s dog called Frost? – Because Frost bites.

What do snowmen eat for lunch? – Icebergers.

  • What is it called when a snowman has a temper tantrum? – A meltdown.
  • What do you call a snowman holiday party? – A snowball.
  • What kind of money do snowmen use? – Cold hard cash
  • How do you scare a snowman? – Get a hair dryer!
  • What do you call a snowman holiday party? – A snowball.
  • What do snowmen see when they go to heaven? – Snow angels.
  • What do they sing at a snowman’s birthday party? – Freeze a jolly good fellow.
  • What does Olaf like to sing? – Let it snow, Let it snow!
  • Who is the most famous snowman artist in history? – Michelange-snow.

  • What did Frosty say to his girlfriend? – I would melt for you.
  • What else did Frosty say to his girlfriend? – I love you snow much!
  • Why didn’t Frosty the Snowman like the carrot cake? – Because he thought it tasted like the inside of his nose.
  • Why do you never see a snowman in the middle of a lake? – Because snowman’s an island!
  • What did the police officer say when he saw the snowman stealing?- Freeze.
  • What kind of cake does snowman like? – Any kind with lots of frosting.
  • Where do Frosty the snowman and his wife go to dance? – Snowballs.
  • What does a snowman put on his face at night? – Cold cream.
  • What does Frosty the Snowman take when he gets sick? – A chill pill.
  • How does a snowman get to work? – By icicle.

Related post: Indoor Snowball Fight Activities and January Jokes

  • What did the snowman order at McDonald’s? – Iceburgers!
  • What is a snowman’s favorite drink? – Ice tea!
  • What do snowmen put on their burgers? – Chilly sauce
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? – Frostbite!
  • What do you get when you cross a Frosty with a polar bear? – A brrr-grrrr!
  • Why did the snowman call his dog frost? – Because Frost bites!
  • What two letters of the alphabet do snowmen like best? – I.C!
  • How do you scare a snowman? – With a hairdryer!
  • What happened when the snowwoman had an argument with the snowman? – She gave him the cold shoulder!

What is a snowman’s favorite game? – Ice Spy with my little eye.

  • What did the snowman’s hat say to the scarf? – You hang on while I go on ahead!
  • What happened when the icicle hit the snowman on the head? – It knocked him out cold.
  • How do you explain ice to a child? – Skid stuff!
  • What do you call a snowman in the tropics? – Lost.
  • How do snowmen get to work? – By icicle!
  • What did the snowman say to the aggressive carrot? – Get out of my face!
  • What do you call a snowman’s dog? – A slush puppy!
  • What did the snowman say to the robin? – I have snow idea!
  • What do you call a snowman with a cup of tea? – Melted!
  • Why didn’t the snowman go to the party? – He had snow one to go with!
  • Why did the snowman skip the Christmas party? – He just wanted to chill
  • What do you get when you mix Frosty with a baker? —Frosty the dough-man!
  • What kind of mug does a snowman use for lunch? —A frosted one
  • What do you call a snowman who tells tall tales? – A snow-fake.
  • What did the snowman say when asked to do something bad? – Snow way, man.
  • What is a girl snowman called? – A snow-maam.
  • Where do snowmen put their webpages? – On the winternet
  • Where do snowmen like to eat? – At an iceberg-er joint.
  • What’s a snowman’s favorite dessert? – Ice cream.

What are Frosty’s parents called? – Mom and Pop-sicle.

  • What do snowmen eat for breakfast? – Ice Krispies.
  • What are snowmen most concerned about? – Global warming
  • Why didn’t the snowman eat the chicken wings? – Because it had hot sauce on it.
  • What did the snowman order at Wendy’s? – A Frosty
  • What did one snowman say to the other snowman? – Do you smell carrots?
  • Who is Frosty’s favorite aunt? – Aunt Arctica!
Snowman jokes for kids

Snowman Knock-Knock Jokes

  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Snow. Snow who? Snowman needs coal for buttons!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Snow. Snow who? Snow man named Frosty.
  • Knock, knock. Who’s There? Snow man. Snow man who? Snow way man, I’m not going to tell you.
  • Knock Knock. Who’s there? Ina. Ina who? Ina minute I’m going to build a snowman.
  • Knock Knock. Who’s there? Snow. Snow who? Snow man named Olaf!

Add your favorite Snowman joke to the comments.

Print your Snowman Jokes

When the snowflakes start falling, you know it’s time to print out your copy of snowman jokes!

Click here to print your snowman jokes.


  1. I cannot get the snowman jokes link to work. I would love to share these with my students. Any help is appreciated.

        1. Thank you Ann! Did you try using the link above? Please try that first and if there’s an issue, I’ll send them to you directly. I hope it’s working now. (fingers crossed),

  2. Hello. I am unable to print any of the Christmas jokes. When I click on the links provided it just takes me to a blank page. These are great though!

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