83 Funny School-Appropriate Jokes (with Printable)
Once you get the kids laughing, the learning comes easily.
There are so many school moments that can be made better by adding a little laughter. These school-appropriate jokes will do just that.
Whether your student is headed off to kindergarten or middle school, funny school jokes are great for relieving back-to-school anxiety. Math jokes for kids, science jokes, and riddles about school come in really handy on test day, and everyone loves lunch box jokes any time of the year!
These printable jokes are hilarious and corny! Just like a joke should be. Which one do you think is the best joke ever? If you don’t see it here already… share it in the comments!
Funny School-Appropriate Jokes about Tests
Test days can bring nervous energy and anxious moments. Break the tension with a few silly test jokes.
- Why can’t you do a math test in the jungle? – There are too many cheetahs.
- Why did Jimmy’s grades drop after the holidays? – Because everything was marked down.
- What tests do vampire teachers give? – Blood tests!
- What did the pirate what from his tests? – High Cs.
- What did the fish get on his math test? – A sea plus.
- What school requires you to drop out in order to graduate? Skydiving school.
- Why isn’t there a clock in the library? – Because it tocks too much.
- Which state has the most hospitals? – ill-inois.
- What dinosaur had the best vocabulary? – The thesaurus.
- Who flies home when school is out? – A bee student!
- Where are the Great Plains located? – At the great airports!
- Why did the echo get detention the first day? – It kept answering back
- Where do kids in New York learn multiplication tables? – Times Square.
- What did the pen say to the pencil? – What’s your point?
- What do loggers eat in the forest? – Mac and trees
- Why is ice cream so bad at tennis? – They have a soft serve
Related Post: History Jokes and Geography Jokes and Sports Jokes
- Where can people learn to make ice cream? -Sundae school
- Why was the broom late for class? – It over-swept.
- How does a bee go to school? – It uses the school buzz.
- Why can’t you work in an orange juice factory? – Because you can’t concentrate
- How does a scientist freshen her breath? – With experi-mints!
- How many letters are in the alphabet? – 11: T-H-E A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T.
- What is a boy in a class with a dictionary in his pants called? – Smartie pants
Elementary School-Appropriate Jokes
The elementary school years are full of magic and silliness. This is the prime age for some hilarious clean jokes.
- Why are fish so clever? – Because they spend so much time in schools.
- What did one pencil say to the other pencil? – Man, you’re looking sharp.
- Which school building has the most stories? – The Library!
- Which school teachers have the greenest thumbs? – The kinder-garden teachers.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? A broken pencil. A broken pencil who? Oh never mind it’s pointless.
- Why did the students run to school? – They were being chased by the spelling bee.
- What do elves learn in school? – The elf-a-bet.
- Why did the egg get thrown out of class? – Because he kept telling yolks.
- Why did the bat miss the school bus? – Because he hung around for too long.
Related Post: Spelling Jokes
- What did the paper say to the pencil? – Write on!
- What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school? – Looking sharp
- Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? – Because she was stuffed.
- Why did the kid cross the playground? – To get to the other slide.
- Why is six afraid of seven? – Because seven ATE nine
- When do student astronauts eat? – During LAUNCH time
- Why did the kid steal a chair from the classroom? – Because the teacher told them to take a seat.
- What does a book do when it gets cold? – It puts on a jacket.
- Why do fireflies get bad grades at school? – Because they are not bright enough
- Who is everyone’s best friend at school? -The princiPAL
- Why don’t giraffes go to elementary school? – Because they go to high school
- What do elves do after school? – Gnome work
Funny Middle School Jokes
Even super cool middle schoolers can appreciate these jokes about school.
- Where did the music teacher leave her keys? – In the piano.
- What is the longest word in the dictionary? – Smiles, because there is a mile between each “s”.
- What is a snake’s favorite subject? – Hiss-tory.
- What do you get when you throw a million books into the ocean? – A title wave.
- What do librarians take with them when they go fishing? – Bookworms.
- Why did the girl do her homework on an airplane? – She was trying to reach higher education.
- How do you get straight A’s? – By using a ruler!
- Why do magicians do so well in school? – They’re good at trick questions.
- What contest do skunks win at school? – The smelling bee!
- Why do calculators make great friends? – You can always count on them.
Why did the dog do so well in school? – Because he was the teacher’s pet
- What school snacks are on the metric system? – Gram Crackers!
- What kind of school do surfers go to? – Boarding schools
- Why is history a sweet subject? – Because it has many dates
- Which school do the birds go to? – High school
- Why is glue terrible at math? – It always gets stuck on the problems.
- Why did the square and triangle go to the gym? – To stay in shape.
- For Teachers
- Why did the teacher draw on the window? – Because he wanted his lesson to be very clear!
- What kind of meals do math teachers eat? – Square meals
- What do you get when you cross a tree with a math teacher? – Arithma-sticks
- What vegetables to librarians like? – Quiet peas.
- Why shouldn’t you give your history teacher a gift? – Because he won’t like the present
- Why was the teacher cross-eyed? – She couldn’t control her pupils.
- Why do music teachers do well in a baseball game? – Because they have a perfect pitch
- What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty? – The blackboard
- Why did the teacher marry the janitor? – Because they swept them off their feet.
School-Appropriate Jokes for Teachers
Are you a teacher looking for a perfect brain break joke or a student looking to make your favorite teacher smile? You’ll find more teacher and student jokes here.
- Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? – Because his class was so bright!
- What are ten things a teacher can always count on? – Their fingers.
- What is a math teacher’s favorite sum? – Summer!
- Why did the music teacher need a ladder? – To reach the high notes.
- How do you comfort a grammar teacher? – Say… “They’re, there, their.”
School-Appropriate Jokes for Students
Well, jokes for students AND about students!
- How do students get straight A’s? – With a ruler.
- Why did the student wear glasses during math class? – Because it improves di-vision.
- Why did the student cross the playground? – To get to the other slide.
- Why was there thunder and lightning in the science lab?- The science students were brainstorming.
- What did the student do when no one laughed at her science jokes? – Keep trying until she got a reaction.
- Why did the boy eat his homework? – Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.
Back to School Jokes
When the first day of school rolls around, it’s time to round up jokes along with school supplies.
- What is the smartest state? – Alabama, it has four A’s and one B.
- What did the ghost teacher say to the class? – Look at the board and I will go through it again.
- What is the difference between a Teacher and a Train? – The teacher says “Spit your gum out” and the train says, “Chew, chew!”
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pencil. Pencil who? Pencil fall down if you don’t wear a belt!
- What’s a math teacher’s favorite kind of dancing? – Square dancing?
- What kind of school do surfers go to? – Boarding School.
Jokes for the win
“Thank you for the free jokes. I’m using them on student desks before our state exams. I want them to see or think about something funny to break the tension before we get down to business. ” – Carrie
Ready to step a bit outside of jokes? Get started with these art puns, science puns, and riddles for teachers.
Your Printable School-Appropriate Jokes
Of course, if you want to show your kids you’re thinking about them (without sending an embarrassing love note), adding a joke to the lunch box is perfect!
Click here to get your printable school jokes.
Just love it!