Funny Spelling Jokes (with Printable Jokes)

Looking to add a little something extra to your spelling activities? We’ve got you covered. These funny spelling jokes will lighten the mood while keeping you connected to the task at hand.

You might also like school-appropriate jokes, lunch box jokes, and animal jokes.

Funny Spelling Jokes

Spelling Jokes for Kids

These spelling jokes for kids will get everyone smiling while you practice spelling words.

  • What begins with T ends with T and has T in it? – Teapot.
  • How do you spell cold with two words? – IC (Icy).
  • What is the color of the wind? – Blew.
  • What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water? – The C.

What is heavy forward but not backward? – Ton.

  • How can you spell too much with two letters? – XS.
  • Spell mousetrap with three letters. – C-A-T.
  • What’s the difference between a cat and a comma? – One has claws at the end of its paws, and the other is a pause at the end of a clause.
  • What do you call someone who makes a spelling error AFTER editing their comment? – An Ediot!
  • Can you spell composition with two letters? – SA (Essay).
  • What is at the end of the world? – Letter D.
Funny Spelling Jokes
  • How do you spell opponent with three letters? – NME (Enemy).
  • Which word uses all the vowels in the English alphabet? – Unquestionably.
  • Which fruit is the favorite of the history professor? – Dates.
  • What do you call someone who has making spelling errors in his blood? – Typo.
Funny Spelling Jokes

Spelling Bee Jokes

If you’re heading to a spelling bee, these spelling bee jokes are a must-have!

  • I’ve always found spelling bees easy. – B E E S. Simple.
  • Why doth Abraham not bringeth his grain to the spelling bee? – For it was already spelt.
  • Why did the spelling bee champion go to the doctor? – Irregular vowel movements.
Funny Spelling Jokes
  • What’s the difference between Harry Potter and a spelling bee contestant? – One conjures spells and the other spells conjure.
  • What did the boy say to his friend who lost the spelling bee when he couldn’t spell “Armageddon”? – “Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world!”

Print your Spelling Jokes

Print out these spelling jokes and keep them handy for a spelling test or spelling practice.

Click here to get your Spelling Jokes

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