25+ Spelling Games for Kids and Fun Spelling Activities

We can all agree that learning how to spell is important whether your little one is in kindergarten or 5th grade. Unfortunately, spelling practice can be really boring.

Just like with anything, when it’s fun, learning comes easier. We prove that all the time around here. These spelling games for kids and spelling activities are no different.

To get started, print out some spelling jokes; this will ensure you start off having lots of fun.

Great list of spelling games for kids and activities for kids that make spelling fun.

Spelling Activities for Kids that Make Spelling Fun!

You may be asking yourself, how can I make spelling instruction fun? Here are a few guidelines I use when planning how to make spelling fun.

  • Add movement.
  • Make it a game.
  • Pair it with a holiday.
  • Use what I have.
  • Get creative.
  • Use some of their online time.
  • Add it to family game night.

I’ll explain each of these guidelines a bit more and share a list of great activities to get your kids enjoying spelling word practice!

Add movement to the spelling word practice. 

That’s pretty much my motto for everything. Since my kids are in constant bounce mode (are we the only ones?) I know that adding movement will always get their attention quickly. And adding movement to learning ensures that they will stay engaged longer. YAY!

Make it spelling games for kids.  

We are very serious game people. Which means there is almost always a game in play at our house. I love to throw in an interactive spelling game once in a while. We can play, connect and improve their spelling skills. Win, win, win!

Extra Tip: Some of these spelling games for kids are really great for transition moments. If you have your kids spelling list (or your own spelling lists), these games will be perfect when you’re waiting at a restaurant or killing time before school.

You might notice there are some classic games in this list. Which other games could you transform into games that include spelling?

Pair your spelling word fun with a holiday.

Kids love to celebrate holidays with activities and art projects. Why not extend the fun with some playful learning as well? You’re already celebrating anyway!

Use items you already have for spelling practice.

There is no need to go crazy creating fancy spelling activities for kids. These activities are fun ways to learn spelling words, fairly simple to prep, and use items you have around the house.

Get Creative with spelling word activities and games.

Have fun when deciding what type of spelling activities your kids will love. Try to incorporate some of their favorite toys. objects or themes.

Check out our very favorite way to make spelling fun. Tic Tac Toe spelling

Great list of spelling games for kids and activities for kids that make spelling fun.

Spelling Games for Kids Online

You might want to add a little online spelling word practice to your hands-on spelling fun. Here are a couple of free online spelling games.

A fun way to get spelling into screen time would be for each spelling game they play; they add 5 minutes of free screen time.

Card and Board Spelling Games for Kids

Some of these broad games include word play while others are strictly spelling. There are games for young children and some can increase the level of difficulty as your kids grow. These games are a great way to connect as a family and help improve your child’s spelling skills.

This list includes Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Confidence Meets Parenting.

What are some fun ways to teach spelling?

The best way to make spelling practice fun for your kids is to have fun with it yourself. Your energy and excitement will add to the experience. This post is full of fun spelling word games and activities; they will always be received better if you’re invested.

How do I help my child struggling with spelling?

Watching a child struggle with something as important as spelling can be really difficult. Using some of the resources in this blog post and picking games that align with your child’s interests is a great start to taking some of the pressure off the learning process. You might also share some of your own experiences. What have you struggled with in the past? How did you make progress with it?

Little M is always excited to see what type of fun spelling games I have up my sleeve, and I am always on the lookout for new spelling activities for kids. Share your favorites in the comments!


  1. These ideas sound so fun! We’re trying to give dd a head start before she starts school and some of the more physical activities sound like a good way to teach spelling to a younger child.

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