tinker toy SPELLING practice
Ready for another fun spelling practice game? This one was a big hit with Big M!
I grabbed the stack of words that Big M needed to learn, some tape, a sharpie, and some Tinker Toys. (You don’t need to have that crazy of a tape dispenser, but it is a new toy for us and i just had to show it off! Isn’t it cool?!?!?)
I used a small piece of tape and then wrote the letters he would need to make each word. (We did the words one at a time so we didn’t need double or triple letters.)
We played this spelling practice game two ways. First I said the word and he did his best to spell it.
Once we knew which words he needed more practice with he looked at the card while he built the word. Then I had him say the word, spell it, and say it again. Easy! Fun! I love spelling!!!
Great idea…and I love the tape dispenser, where did you find it?
It was a Lakeshore splurge. Since almost everything we do is free or really inexpensive I figured I could spend the money on it. (I’m glad I did… we love it!) http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/ca%7CsearchResults~~p%7C2534374302176319~~.jsp
That’s a great idea, Jill! Parenting forces us to be resourceful, doesn’t it?
Yes it does, and boy do I love it! Makes my creative juices flow.