Hilarious Exam Jokes That Will Make You Laugh on Test Day

Is it already exam week at school already? Don’t worry, we got you covered with a long list of exam jokes perfect to get students and teachers laughing together.

Take a deep breath, relax and read these funny jokes about exams to ease your stress away.

For all the other school days enjoy some of these popular joke collections: school-appropriate jokes, math jokes, teacher and student jokes, science jokes, history jokes, jokes about teens, and school riddles.

Hilarious Exam Jokes

Exam Jokes for Teachers and Students

  • What exams do vampire teachers set? – Blood test
  • What sort of exams do witches do? – Spelling Test.
  •  What does a magician do the night before a college exam? – Abra-cram-dabra.
  • How do carpenters get certified? – They take a board exam.
  • “Why does your geography exam have a big zero over it?” – “It’s not a zero, the teacher ran out of stars, so she gave me a moon instead!”
  • Why did the student only answer questions 1, 3, 5, and 7 on the exam? – Because they literally can’t even.

Related Post: Computer Jokes, Computer Puns and Riddles

  • What nation do most people hate? – Exami-nation.
  • How do you prepare for a pest control exam? – You stay up all night swatting.
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach? – To test the water.
  • Why didn’t he do well in his football teamwork exam? – Because he did not pass.
  • What did the heart say to the brain before an exam? – You look nervous.
  • What wild animal does well on exams despite not studying? – The cheetah.
Hilarious Exam Jokes

Exam Puns for Teachers and Students

  • I was afraid I’d fail my fireworks exam but I passed with flying colors.
  • I tried to ace the exam on safely capturing butterflies, but I got a bee instead.
  • A cosmetology student had to retake her final exam. It was a makeup makeup test.
  • I could feel an exam in my stomach. It was kinda quizzy.
  • I took my exam in a restaurant because the customer is always right.
  • Did you hear about the pilot who aced his final exams in college? He winged it!
  • Disappointed to fail my psychic exam. Didn’t see that coming.
  • A friend passed his degree in sound engineering. He got a 1-2-1-2.
  • During my exam, my calculator stopped working. I can’t count on it anymore!
  • I ate my exam paper. Sooner or later, I will pass the exam.
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