9 Fall Riddles with Answers
Leaves are filling the sidewalks, cool crisp air is bringing out those cozy sweaters and these riddles about fall are bringing you just a little bit closer to those kids you love so much.
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9 Fall Riddles with Answers
- If there are three apples and you took away two, how many do YOU have? – Two, because YOU took two.
- There is a bush, a pine tree, and an oak tree and it is the fall season. If the wind is blowing towards the west, which way does the leaves on the pine tree fall? – A pine tree doesn’t have leaves. It has needles.
- I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? – A candle.
- You’re a bus driver on a fall leaf tour. At the first stop, 4 people get on. At the second stop, 8 people get on, at the third stop 2 people get off and, at the fourth stop everyone got off. The question is what color are the bus driver’s eyes? – The same as yours, you’re the bus driver.
- What falls but never breaks? – Nightfall.
- What asks but never answers? – An owl.
- I have a tail and a head, but no body. What am I? – A coin.
- I can travel at nearly 100 miles per hour, but never leave the room. You can cover me up, but that doesn’t slow me down. You will not know if I come only once or again and again and again. What am I? – A sneeze.
- I run, but I don’t walk. I drip and drop, but I can’t pick myself up. You have to consume me and sometimes I surround you. What am I? – Water.
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Printable Fall Riddles with Answers
Print these fall riddles to bring along on your next fall drive.
Click here to get your printable fall riddles.