Let’s Go Camping with Kids!!! 40 Tips, Activities, Games, and Recipes
Camping is one of our favorite ways to spend time as a family. Camping with kids is so much fun (especially if you’re prepared). I’ve shared my list of 10 must-have camping supplies and 50 ideas for making camping easier, the camping with kids tips in the comments are awesome too! I thought a camping with kids tips post just seemed like a good idea… what do you think?
I’ve rounded up 40 tips, activities, games, and recipes to make camping with kids just as fun as it should be! (For tips on camping with toddlers click here.)
Camping with Kids Tips
- Get the kids excited with some camping pretend play before you go.
- Pack clothes with easy dressing in mind. (The tent would stay so much neater!)
- Pack the lovies and blankets that help your little one feel comfortable and sleep well.
- Put together a good first aid kit.
- Think about a safe campsite layout.
- Make a hand washing station that is easy for kids (and adults) to use.
- Get two of these collapsible bins. One for laundry and one for trash. At the end of the trip tie up the bag, toss the laundry bag in the car and the trash in the dumpster.
- Keep meals and sleep schedules as normal as possible. Sticking to these routines will help kids adjust to the flexibility of the rest of the day.
- Make a light-up bug for the kids to carry around and use after dark.
- Include rest times (even for older kids), with a break from playing hard. Bring along puzzles, books, and quiet building toys for lounging in the tent once in a while.
Kids Camping Activities (contains affiliate links)
This list of activities to do while camping will keep your kids busy and having a lot of fun in nature.
- SunPrint paper kit
- DIY paint with water pages
- Find the tree leaf hunt
- Happy camper scavenger hunt
- Cloud Inspecting
- Go searching for animal tracks (only if your little ones won’t be scared to know what’s around) 🙂
- Study the stars and constellations
- Make a solar oven
- Milk jug yo yo
- Print, cut, and pack up these Camping Jokes, Camping Riddles and Camping Puns.
Camping Games for Kids (contains affiliate links)
Some of the camping games on this list are great for relaxing and some of them are great for getting active.
- Charades for Kids
- Nature tic tac toe
- Lawn twister
- Portable CornHole
- Glow Lawn Dart Game
- Frisbee Golf
- Kick the Can
- Unique Tag Games
- 10,000 Dice Game
- Ladder Toss Game
Easy Camping Meals for Kids and Families
If you’re new to camping or new to camping with young kids check out The Camping Family Handbook. I’m a proud affiliate of Kitchen Stewardship.
The following camping recipes for kids are both easy and fun!
- Pancake Dippers (Bacon inside… I’m thinking a little sugar in the batter would eliminate the sticky syrup too!)
- Pancakes using a DIY pancake batter dispenser
- Campfire Popcorn – 3 Ways
- Create a grazing tray
- Campfire Nachos
- Pocket Pizzas
- Hobo Meals (I like the idea of letting kids pick their own filling.)
- Curly dogs
- Campfire dessert – Orange Blueberry Muffins
- Campfire Strawberry Smores
Now I just know you have a few camping with kids tips to add! Leave your tips for camping with kids in the comment section.
Thanks for sharing the idea of camping especially in this digital age when everyone is stuck in their mobile or laptop. This is a great way to spend quality time together.