Summer Bucket List Ideas … and Bucket

Well, the time has come.  IT’S SUMMER! We have been all about planning a summer schedule for kids that is both relaxing and productive. Now it’s time to get our summer bucket list in order.

I have to admit, the idea of a bucket list kind of creeps me out.  I don’t know why exactly.  Maybe because I prefer to think of things in terms of things I’d love to do. (Strong period there.)  Adding in the … before I die, feels a little morbid.

However, the idea of a summer bucket list gets me all excited.  Weird.  The first time I saw a DIY summer bucket list bucket, I jumped out of my seat.  What could I use as a bucket?  I started jotting down ideas and waiting for the perfect time to make it a family affair.

Summer bucket list ideas plus a super cute DIY summer bucket list BUCKET! So fun!

To make our summer bucket list bucket, I used an old yogurt container, construction paper, clothespins, colored craft tape, and markers.

I compiled my own list of ideas and had the kids journal some ideas of their own. This kicks off Summer Journal Prompts for Kids.

20 Summer Bucket List Ideas

  1. Art week (or weeks).  Read books on art and artists.  Create art inspired by artists. Red Ted Art has a great series called Kids Get Arty, it’s all about exploring artists.
  2. Make summertime sandy beach cloud dough. We should do this one early so we can enjoy it for a while!
  3. Play the games we have and find new games to add to the collection! I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to family games. For some movement games, summer Olympics activities are great!
  4. Explore new libraries. We have a great county library system, last year we visited several new libraries. It was so much fun.
  5. Reread Poppy (Tales from Dimwood Forest) by Avi. The kids were really little when we read it the first time. I think they would love it again. (Affiliate link) & read as many Brixton Brothers books as we can manage. (Affiliate link)
  6. Have a kids-in-charge day.  Let them plan the entire day from start to finish. They cook, plan outings, and have our full attention all day.
  7. Bubbles!
  8. Build a massive fort.
  9. Join the Double Page Spread challenge.  (Better late than never!)
  10. Get a map of our city and use it to plan a day.
  11. Make a water wall.
  12. Create a sewing camp to teach M and M the basics.
  13. Create a Lego camp for Big M.  
  14. Visit the Zoo at night.
  15. Make a shadow puppet theater.
  16. Have some fun with balloons.
  17. Visit 3 museums.
  18. Have a family date night.
  19. Set up a weaving station.
  20. Hug, kiss and cuddle A LOT! I want to soak up every minute.

What’s on your summer bucket list?


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