Summer Bucket List Ideas … and Bucket
Well, the time has come. IT’S SUMMER! We have been all about planning a summer schedule for kids that is both relaxing and productive. Now it’s time to get our summer bucket list in order.
I have to admit, the idea of a bucket list kind of creeps me out. I don’t know why exactly. Maybe because I prefer to think of things in terms of things I’d love to do. (Strong period there.) Adding in the … before I die, feels a little morbid.
However, the idea of a summer bucket list gets me all excited. Weird. The first time I saw a DIY summer bucket list bucket, I jumped out of my seat. What could I use as a bucket? I started jotting down ideas and waiting for the perfect time to make it a family affair.
To make our summer bucket list bucket, I used an old yogurt container, construction paper, clothespins, colored craft tape, and markers.
I compiled my own list of ideas and had the kids journal some ideas of their own. This kicks off Summer Journal Prompts for Kids.
20 Summer Bucket List Ideas
- Art week (or weeks). Read books on art and artists. Create art inspired by artists. Red Ted Art has a great series called Kids Get Arty, it’s all about exploring artists.
- Make summertime sandy beach cloud dough. We should do this one early so we can enjoy it for a while!
- Play the games we have and find new games to add to the collection! I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to family games. For some movement games, summer Olympics activities are great!
- Explore new libraries. We have a great county library system, last year we visited several new libraries. It was so much fun.
- Reread Poppy (Tales from Dimwood Forest) by Avi. The kids were really little when we read it the first time. I think they would love it again. (Affiliate link) & read as many Brixton Brothers books as we can manage. (Affiliate link)
- Have a kids-in-charge day. Let them plan the entire day from start to finish. They cook, plan outings, and have our full attention all day.
- Bubbles!
- Build a massive fort.
- Join the Double Page Spread challenge. (Better late than never!)
- Get a map of our city and use it to plan a day.
- Make a water wall.
- Create a sewing camp to teach M and M the basics.
- Create a Lego camp for Big M.
- Visit the Zoo at night.
- Make a shadow puppet theater.
- Have some fun with balloons.
- Visit 3 museums.
- Have a family date night.
- Set up a weaving station.
- Hug, kiss and cuddle A LOT! I want to soak up every minute.
What’s on your summer bucket list?