78 St. Patrick’s Day Jokes and Puns + Leprechaun Jokes PRINT

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, St. Patrick’s Day jokes are the perfect way to add something extra to this fun day.

There is no better way to connect with kids than to add a little laughter.

You might also like these St Patrick’s day coloring sheets and St Patrick’s Day Addition riddles printable.

St. Patrick's Day Jokes, St. Patrick's Day Puns and St. Patrick's Day  riddles

Funny St. Patrick’s Day Jokes for Kids

Bring these St. Patrick’s Day jokes to your school party!

  • Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day? – Because real rocks are too heavy.
  • Why shouldn’t you iron a four-leaf clover? – You might press your luck!
  • Why is St. Patrick’s Day frogs’ favorite holiday? – They’re already wearing green.
  • Knock, knock Who’s there? Irish. Irish who? – Irish you a happy St. Patrick’s Day.
  • What bow can’t be tied? – A rainbow.
  • Where will you always find gold? – In the dictionary.
  • How is a good friend like a four-leaf clover? – They’re hard to find!

Related Post: March Jokes

  • Who was St. Patrick’s favorite superhero? – Green Lantern.
  • When does Valentine’s Day come after St. Patrick’s Day? – In the dictionary.
  • What type of sandwiches should they serve on St. Patrick’s Day? – Paddy melts!
  • What do ghosts drink on St. Patrick’s Day? – BOOs
  • What do Irishmen say when you tell them Bono is your favorite singer? – You too?
  • Why did the leprechaun cross the road on red? – To get to the pot of gold faster!
  • What type of magic spells do leprechauns cast? – Lucky Charms!
  • What do you call a leprechaun who’s worried about the planet? – A Wee-Cycler!

Who catches bold Lepre-Cons? – The Under-Clover cops!

  • What do you tell a smart aleck on St. Patricks Day? – You’re so clover.
  • At what point is an Irish Potato no longer an Irish Potato? – When it’s a French-Fry
  • What’s green and sings? – Elvis Parsley.
  • What do you say to someone running the St. Patrick’s Day marathon? – I-rish you luck!
  • What did an angry St. Patrick shout at the snakes? – He told them they needed to ‘Hiss off’!
  • What happens when two awkward Leprechauns meet? – There’s a lot of small talk!
  • How can you tell if a shamrock is jealous? – It’ll be green with envy!
  • What is a Yadskcirtapts? – It’s St. Patricks Day spelled backwards!

Jokes about Leprechauns

  • Why do leprechauns love to garden? – They have green thumbs!
  • What do you call a leprechaun who gets sent to jail? – A lepre-con.
  • Why do leprechauns recycle? – They like to go green!
  • What happens when leprechauns take a bath? – They get wet!
  • What did the leprechaun say when the video game ended? – Game clover!
  • Why do leprechauns hate running? – They’d rather jig than jog!

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  • Why did the leprechaun climb over the rainbow? – To get to the other side!
  • What does a leprechaun call a happy man wearing green? A Jolly Green Giant!
  • Why do leprechauns not play sports? – They prefer to spend their time jigging rather than jogging!
  • When does a leprechaun cross the road? – When the lights are green!
  • What did the hungry leprechaun stick in the vending machine? – A few Lepre-Coins!
  • How do leprechauns celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? – By holding a lepre-concert!
  • Why did the leprechaun climb over the rainbow? – To get to the other side.
  • What do Leprechauns do with their unfinished dinner? – They make Left-Clovers!
  • What’s a leprechaun’s favorite dessert? -A patty cake.
St. Patrick's Day Jokes, St. Patrick's Day Puns and St. Patrick's Day  riddles
  • What’s long, loud and green and only appears once a year? – The St. Patrick’s Day parade!
  • Where do leprechaun baseball teams play? – In the little leagues
  • Why did the leprechaun turn down a bowl of soup? – Because he already had a pot of gold.
  • What’s a leprechaun’s favorite mode of transportation? – A cloverboard!
  • Why do leprechauns make terrible comedians? – Their jokes are always a wee bit short!
  • What dance move do leprechauns pull at a party? – The shamrock shake.
  • Why did the leprechaun apply for a job as a chef? – He wanted to make sure everything was Irish-stew-perb!

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  • What do you get when two leprechauns have a conversation? – A lot of small talk.
  • What do you call a leprechaun prank? – A saint pat-trick.
  • What do you call a leprechaun’s vacation home? – A lepre-condo.
  • How do leprechauns get to space? – In a sham-rocket.
  • Why did the leprechaun put his pot of gold in the blender? – He wanted to make some liquid assets.
  • Why do leprechauns prefer dollar bills to coins? – Because they’re green.
  • Why did the leprechaun go outside? – To sit on his paddy-o
  • What is a leprechaun’s favorite type of music? – Sham-rock ‘n’ roll

St. Patrick’s Day Puns

  • You’re my lucky charm.
  • I’m ready to shamrock and roll.
  • Irish I may, Irish I might.
  • The paddy don’t start till I walk in.
  • It ain’t over till it’s clover.
  • Let’s make some pour decisions.
  • You’re the cutest clover in the patch.
  • Irish you a happy St. Patrick’s Day! 
  • I’m feelin’ green.
  • I’m a clover, not a fighter.
  • My boyfriend/girlfriend is green-tastic!
  • You’re brew-tiful!
  • Just me and my lucky charms.
St. Patrick's Day Jokes, St. Patrick's Day Puns and St. Patrick's Day  riddles
  • Irish you a whole pot of gold!
  • You’ll be Dublin your fortune soon.
  • I’m pure gold.
  • Have your-elf a merry little St. Paddy’s.
  • I’m head clover heels for you.
  • I’m going green, if you know what I mean.
  • Have a green-iffic day!
  • This is brew-tastic!
  • Wear green or leaf.
  • I’ll be there in a pinch.
  • Wishing you a St. Paddy’s that’s clover the moon!

St. Patrick’s Day Riddles

  • Riddle: I’m hidden, but I’m not buried. I hold treasure, but no gems. Leprechauns protect me, but I’m not Lucky Charms. What am I? – Answer: A pot of gold.
  • Riddle: Yellow and blue combined you’ll see; if you don’t want a pinch, be sure to wear me. What am I? – Answer: The color green.
  • Riddle: What can be seen in the middle of March and April that cannot be seen at the beginning or end of either month? Answer: Letter R
  • Riddle: Four leaves I have. What am I? Answer: Shamrock.
  • Riddle: A green jacket covers my arms. Don’t ever steal my Lucky Charms. Who am I? – Answer: A leprechaun.

Add your favorite St. Patrick’s Day jokes or Leprechaun jokes for kids into the comment section! 

St. Patrick's Day Jokes, St. Patrick's Day Puns and St. Patrick's Day  riddles

Print your St. Patrick’s Day Jokes

For a little extra fun, print these St. Patrick’s Day Jokes, St. Patrick’s Day Puns, and St. Patrick’s Day riddles. You can use them to pass around at school or to leave for the leprechaun (right next to the trap).

Click here to get your St. Patrick’s Day printable.

For more silly fun, check out these books:


  1. Loved these jokes! They really brought a smile to my face and are perfect for sharing at our St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Can’t wait to try some out on my friends!

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