78 Rock Jokes, Rock Puns, and Rock Riddles PRINTABLE
This collection of rock jokes, rock puns, and rock riddles is great if you’re a geology student or just a lover of rocks.
You’ll probably get excited about these Nature Riddles, too!
Rock Jokes
Let’s get off to a rocky start with these rock jokes for kids and adults.
- What do you call a rock that never goes to school? – A skipping stone!
- What did the one volcano say to the other volcano? – “Hey, do you want to be my lava?”
- What’s a rock’s favorite ice cream flavor? – Rocky road.
- How do rocks communicate with each other? – They use sedimentary messages.
- Which rock group is made up of four men who can’t sing? – Mount Rushmore.
- Why isn’t it safe for a rock to marry a piece of paper? – Because paper beats rock.
- How do you know a rock is happy? – It’s a little boulder.
- What do you call a rock that never goes to school? – An igneous.
- What do you call a rock that never goes to the beach? – A “shore loser.”
- Why was the math book sad when it saw a rock? – Because it knew the rock had better “algrebraic” skills.
What did the rock say when it got locked out of the house? – “Don’t take me for granite.”
- What’s a rock’s favorite game to play at the beach? – Sand, Paper, Scissors.
- Why is it hard to be a diamond? – Too much pressure.
- Why did the tectonic plates break up? – It wasn’t her fault, but there was just too much friction between them.
- What do you do with dead geologists? – You barium.
- Why was the sedimentary rock extra cheap? – Because it was on shale.
- Who is a geologist’s favorite comedian? – Chris Rock.
- Why don’t rocks ever go to the doctor? – Because they’re all mineral.
- How do rocks apologize to each other? – They make “amends.”
- Who is a geologist’s favorite actor? – Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
- What do you call a rock that loves to run? – A “marathon.”
- What do geologists do when they find an empty cup? – Phyllite.
- How do geologists like to relax? – In rocking chairs, of course!
- How did the rock propose to the diamond? – With a “carat” ring.
- What do rocks eat? – Pom-a-granites.
- When were rock puns the funniest? – During the stone age.
- What did the motivational speaker say? – Don’t take life for granite.
- What do you call an Irish gem that’s a fake? – A sham rock.
- What do lazy rocks do? – Sit around all day getting stoned.
Related Posts: Sun Jokes and Camping Puns
- Why shouldn’t you lend a geologist money? – They consider a million years ago to be Recent.
- Why was the geologist always depressed? – He had a hard rock life.
- Why should you never expect perfection from geologists? – Because they all have their faults.
- What did the diamond say to its friend copper? – Nothing, silly, minerals don’t talc!
- Why did the rock sleep all day? – He was a bedrock.
- Where do you take an injured rock? – To the Rocktor.
Rock Puns
These funny rock puns are sure to dig up a good laugh.
- Geologists love music, but their playlists get boring—they’re only rock and roll.
- Not to quarry—you’ll do great on your science exam!
- I’m coal as a cucumber!
- This book about rocks is a fascinating pebble-cation.
- May the quartz be with you!
- Beach rocks are so cheap because they’re always on shale.
- Be patient with geologists—they all have their faults.
- My rock collection has so much sedimental value.
- Power to the pebble!
- Be patient with geologists — they all have their faults.
- Did you see the geologist towing a crate of rocks behind his car? He had a wide lode sign.
- I really hate rock puns. My sediments exactly.
- Oh, you were looking for rock jokes? Let’s see what we can dig up.
- I lava you so much.
Let’s rock and roll!
- My sediments, exactly.
- So many geologists are out standing in the field.
- Never take life for granite.
- My career as a geologist is really on the rocks.
- I tried to make a rock sculpture, but I did not have the grit for it.
- I need some assi-stones
- Not to quarry
- The rock band’s new album was a bit of a rocky road.
- I tried to learn about the rock cycle, but it was too much of a rocky path.
- The geologist’s favorite holiday was Rocktober.
- I tried to make a rock garden, but I didn’t have the gravel for it.
- The rock climber’s favorite movie was 127 Hours.
- Don’t take me for granite
- It’s a hard rock life
- Hit rock bottom
- Stony faced
- A stony silence
- Feeling sedimental
- Be boulder.
Rock Riddles with Answers
These rock riddles will bring out the Sherlock in your rock-loving crowd.
- Riddle: I am a mountain’s sturdy heart, an ancient core that won’t depart. What am I? – Answer: Granite
- Riddle: Heavy and dense, I silently lay, in Earth’s deep pockets, day after day. Holding secrets of the ground below, what am I, that doesn’t show? Answer: Geode.
- Riddle: I’m small and round and often skipped, by children’s joy I’m often flipped. What am I? Answer: Pebble
- Riddle: I sit among the hills so high, beneath the sun and open sky. What am I? Answer: Boulder.
- Riddle: In me, echoes of ancient seas reside, layers of time, in my embrace they hide. Once fluid, now solid, a transformation so grand, what am I, with history in hand? – Answer: Limestone.
- Riddle: Born of pressure and of time, in grand structures, I do shine. What am I? – Answer: Marble
- Riddle: A watchmaker’s friend, yet I have no time; pure and hard, in quartz I’m prime. What am I? – Answer: Quartz
- Riddle: From the volcano to your hand, I’m the rock that floats on land. What am I? – Answer: Pumice
Printable Rock Jokes, Rock Puns, and Rock Riddles
Print these rock jokes, puns, and riddles for your next rocky adventure. They’re great if you need a clean slate on a tense afternoon or if you’re a new geology teacher looking for ways to avoid a rocky start.
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