Eye Puns and Eye Jokes
Bring a quick laugh with you to your next eye exam. With these eye puns and eye jokes. You will surely eye-deer the friendly staff.
If you like this collection of printable jokes, check out all of our jokes for kids.
Eye Puns
These eye puns bring eye humor into focus.
- The eye doctor told me I needed glasses. I didn’t see that coming.
- How eye-ronic.
- Oh, eye see what you did there.
- Eye didn’t see that coming.
- Eye’ve heard enough.
- Omg, that joke was so cornea.
- I just saw a golfer crying his eyes out…He’s going through a rough patch!
- An eye doctor who is obsessed with Apple products is called an Doctor.
- I used to be a tailor, but I couldn’t cut it. Now, I’m just a seamstress.
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- An optometrist’s child is, without a doubt, the apple of their eyes.
- Eye’m loving it! the eye doctor squealed when he had his first McDonald’s.
- The optometrist lost most of his patients because he wouldn’t stop cracking cornea puns!
- An optometrist’s students are actually his pupils.
- The eye doctor easily passed his eye exam because of his high Eye-Q.
- The optometrist was brought to court since he was the only eye-witness.
- The eye doctor always takes the elevator. He hates the stares.
- Don’t peek while eyebrows my feed, said the eye doctor to her nosy friend.
- Do you know why programmers have perfect vision? – Because they can C++.
- Did you hear about the webpage for people who suffer from chronic eye pain? It’s a site for sore eyes.
- My nephew told me that he’s never had vision insurance. I told him he really should look into it.
- I think everyone should get a book about Braille. It can be really handy.
- The eye doctor shouted at the naughty student, Go and sit in the cornea.
- That’s how eyeroll.
- Eyes feel very lonely when they are eyes-olated.
- I broke my glasses yesterday. I barely look forward to buying a new one.
Bad puns are how eye roll, said the optometrist to his annoyed patient.
- I don’t understand why eye puns are always overlooked.
- I got some salt in my eye. Now it’s see salt.
- Eye drops are technically blinker fluid.
- Eye didn’t know you were that funny!
- My eye doctor’s office is at the shopping mall. She’s an Opthemallogist.
- Bad puns are how eye roll.
- When you’re with your cross-eyed friend, do you ever wonder if they’re seeing someone else?
- I accidentally put my contact lenses in the wrong eyes, now I have a twin vision.
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- I don’t normally surf the Internet, but when I do eye browsers
- My eye surgeon was really sharp – he had a great eye for detail.
- Eye don’t mean to brag, but my puns are a sight to behold.
- Optometry is an eyedealistic career for people with a good eye for things.
- I make a lot of jokes about eyes.. You could say I have vitreous humor.
- Think of a number between 5 and 15. Multiply by 2, add 3, and subtract 7 from the answer. Now close your eyes. Dark, isn’t it?
- I don’t understand why eye puns are always overlooked.
- I’ve been trying to find puns about gouging my eyes out, but I couldn’t see any
Eye Jokes
Share these eye jokes with the receptionist at the optometrist. They’ll think you’re spec-tacular.
- How many eye doctors does it take to change a lightbulb? – One… or Two?!
- What do you call it when an apple user looks you in the eye? – iContact!
- Where is our eye situated? – Between the H and the J.
- What had been the excuse of the lens to the cop for speeding? – Sir, I have been framed.
- What kind of games do frames like to play? – Tag.
- What do you call a fish with no eyes? – Fishually impaired!
- When is a lens does not happen to be a lens? – Once it actually becomes aphakic.
- What happens after you rub ketchup in your eyes? – You feel silly in Heinz sight!
- What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes? – A ‘do-you-think-he-saurus.’
- What has four eyes and a mouth? – The Mississippi
- What do you say if they only have one eye? – “Aye, captain!”
What did the right eye say to the left eye? – “Between you and me, there’s something that smells.”
- What happens when the retina cries? – you get retinal tears
- What is an Irish persons favourite organ? – eyeee
- What game do frames play? – tag
- “A guy was in specavers the other day….guess who he bumped into?? – Everyone!!”
- How do you pay for Progressive Addition Lenses (PAL)? – PayPAL
- Why did the cross-eyed teacher quit her job? – She couldn’t control her pupils.
- For what reason will not the optometrist learn jokes? – Because, he had heard that it would be breaking the eyes.
- Where are they going to send poor light? – To prism.
- What is going to happen when you end up splitting a prism? – You allow all the prsimers to escape.
- What is a deer without any eye called? – No eye-dear.
- What was the sexy eyelashes told by the Latino cornea? – Eye carumba.
- Why didn’t the optometrist evacuate during the hurricane? – The optometrist wanted to examine the eye of the storm.
- here does the optometrist go on vacation? – Paradise Eye-land.
- Why don’t optometrists use tape measures? – They’re really good at eyeball-ing it.
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- What is similar between an eye doctor and a teacher? – Both of them like to test pupils.
- For what reason did the eyes not like wearing glasses? – He went on requesting them to lens some cash.
- What happens to be the most preferred musical band of eyes? – The Black Eyed Peas.
- Why do optometrists live so long? – Because they dilate (die late).
Print your Eye Puns and Jokes
These printable eye puns and eye jokes will go perfectly with your next eye doctor visit.
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