Dinosaur Jokes for Kids that will get you Roaring with Laughter
Give your little dinosaur lover something to laugh about. These printable dinosaur jokes are sure to be a hit with kids and adults alike.
Jokes, jokes, and more jokes. Once you’ve finished with these dinosaur jokes, head over and check out some of our other popular joke collections: knock-knock jokes, good morning jokes, dinosaur puns, and tooth jokes.
You might also want to add a dinosaur ice excavation sensory activity into the dinosaur fun.
Print your Dinosaur Jokes
Click here to get your printable dinosaur jokes.Dinosaur Jokes for Kids
- What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? – A dino-snore.
- What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a pig? – Jurassic Pork!
- What do you call twin dinosaurs? – Pair-odactyls.
- What kind of explosions do dinosaurs like? – DINOmite.
- What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? – Eye-saur.
- Why can’t you hear a Pterodactyl when it goes to the toilet? – Because the pee is silent.
- Why should you never ask a dinosaur to read you a story? – Because their tales are so long.
- What do you call a group of dinosaurs who sing? – A tyranno-chorus.
- Which brand of clothing do dinosaurs like wearing the most? – Fossil.
- What would be the best way to talk to a dinosaur? – Long distance.
- What’s a child’s favorite dinosaur? – A Toys-‘R-Us.
- How would you know if there’s a dinosaur under your bed? – Your nose hits the ceiling.
- What do you call a dinosaur that knows a lot of words? – A thesaurus.
- What did the dinosaur call her blouse business? – Try Sara’s Tops.
- What did dinosaurs use to drive their cars? – Fossil fuels.
- What followed the dinosaur? – It’s tail!
- What do dinosaurs use on the floors of their kitchens? – Rep-tiles.
- What game does the brontosaurus like to play with humans? – Squash.
- What’s the best thing to do if you see a tyrannosaurus rex? – Pray that it doesn’t see you.
Add your favorite dinosaur joke to the comments.
For more giggly fun, check out these books:
- Best Joke Books for 7-year-olds
- Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids (check it out on Amazon here) – Affiliate link
- Laugh-out-Loud Jokes for Kids (check it out on Amazon here) – Affiliate link
- National Geographic Kids Just Joking (check it out on Amazon here) – Affiliate link
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