Family Dinner Table Conversation – Connecting with Kids

Our family dinner table conversation tradition started as soon as M and M could talk.  A really, really long time ago I was listening to a radio station and the DJ talked about a dinner conversation ritual he did with his family.  He called it “Best and Worst”.  Now when I say really long ago, I am not kidding.  It was before kids, maybe even before hubs.  The idea really stuck with me as you can see!

It’s easy.  We start with one person.  Little M usually directs the order… because she likes directing.  The first person starts off by saying what the best part of their day was.  Then they say what the worst part of their day was.  Then the next person does the same.  It goes around the table until everyone has had a turn.

I seriously love this idea for family dinner table conversation! So simple

The Importance of Family Dinner Table Conversation

  • It gives us something to talk about.  Often times someone’s response will lead to a pretty long dinner conversation.
  • It encourages the kids to think about the events of the day.
  • It’s the perfect place for us adults to show that we have good and not so good points in our day.
  • If we can keep this routine going it will be a wonderful way to stay connected once the kids get older.

Update: We have been doing “best and worst” for so long that sometimes we like to mix it up. Creative with Kids shares the best conversation starters. When she asked me to create a few I jumped at the chance! Check out my Getting to Know Your Kids Conversation Starters.

Do you have any dinner conversation routines?

More parenting tips for connecting with kids

And that’s why I decided to say YES!
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