Charlotte’s Web Activity… Charlotte’s Spiderweb Pizza

A while back I asked my little sister (a bookworm by nature) if she thought the kids were too young for me to start reading Harry Potter to them. She made the saddest face and said she really wished I wouldn’t. “They WILL read Harry Potter. There is no question. They’ll read it on their own or with you later. They may not go back and read books like Charlotte’s Web and Tom Sawyer. Read those now.” (Okay I was paraphrasing but you get the idea.)

What she said struck a cord with me and we picked up Charlotte’s Web immediately. While reading I jotted down activities that would make reading this classic even better. (I often keep notes about how to expand on books, you should try it. The paper makes a great bookmark too.;))

charlotte's web

 Charlotte’s Spiderweb Pizza

If you’ve read Charlotte’s Web then you know that Charlotte spins words into her web in order to save her friend Wilbur. (If you haven’t read it get your copy now! Charlotte’s Web.) The barns rat Templeton is sent to find words in magazines and newspapers for Charlotte to use.

Charlotte’s Spiderweb Pizza

For Halloween I made the kids spiderweb pizza and decided a little Charlotte’s web twist would be just what we needed to bring this story to life!

charlotte's web

I asked M and M to search the house for a word that described their brother/ sister. Big M went with me, Little M stuck with Dad. (In the book Templeton tears the words and brings them to Charlotte. I asked the kids to write it down instead.)

charlotte's web

We used mini pre made pizza crusts and jarred pizza sauce. (Nothing fancy.)

charlotte's web

 With string cheese Big M wrote the word first, then built the spider web around it.

charlotte's web

We used whole olives to make Charlotte.

charlotte's web

Because Hubs was here to help, we kept M and M separate so their Charlotte’s Spider Web Pizza would be a surprise.

Charlotte's Web

They may not quite look like actual webs… but the kids had a blast. (And so did I!)

How do you bring books to life?

This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own. Read the fine print.


  1. This is a really great idea! I especially like the surprise words 🙂 I’ll try this with my kiddos when they’re older!

  2. I love this idea! We finished Charlotte’s web yesterday and was looking for a way to celebrate w/ the kids. This paired w/ the movie is a perfect treat for finishing the book! Thanks!

  3. Pingback: Family Movie Night: Charlotte's Web - creative geekery

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