mixed media Thanksgiving art

Last weekend we had a really nice family day.  Grandma and Grandpa watched all of the grand kids while my sister and I joined our hubbies for golf (in the rain).  We ended up making a day of it with a yummy family dinner and a quick game of Bear Hunt.

While the other kids played my niece, S cuddled up to me and we looked through Lowe’s Creative Ideas magazine.   (They are not paying me to say this, although I would gladly take any money they have to offer. :)).  I absolutely love the inspiring projects the magazine has.  S and I oohed and ahhed over many of the Christmas projects, and decided this wreath would be our first project!

Isn’t it cute?!?!  Well we were in the mood to do something right then, so we changed it up a bit using what we had in the art cabinet and made some Thanksgiving art instead!

what you need:  pencils ~ paper (tissue, wrapping, magazine pages, construction paper) ~ tape ~ glue gun ~ markers

We started by making several “feathers”.  To roll these we started with a tight wrap around a pencil at the corner of one sheet of paper.  (I cut the the papers… all types.. to be about the size of a half sheet of paper.  Being even is not important.)

The kids continued rolling to the other edge of the paper.  Then we taped it in place.

Sliding the pencil out proved to be a little tricky if the rolls were too tight.

Once we had a good sized pile of feathers (about 20)  I had the kids place a few where they wanted them on a piece of brown construction paper.  I glued them in place (normally I would let M and M use the glue gun, but 4 sets of grabby hands is a little too scary!)

Thanksgiving art - easy and adorable!We made two turkey pictures.  S and T would be taking one picture home.  M and M would keep the other.  I wanted to make this a joint project so I had the “big” kids draw a turkey face and the “little” kids color it in.  That part worked so well I will have to come up with a collaborative project in the very near future!

Thanksgiving art - easy and adorable!They picked a kid to do the cutting out.

Thanksgiving art - easy and adorable!Thanksgiving art - easy and adorable!I just love, love the way the turkey picture turned out!  (Pat on the back for Auntie Jill and S, I would say!)

If you liked this post make sure to add it to your Fall or Thanksgiving Pin board! 

Thanksgiving art - easy and adorable!

This post is a part of the Thanksgiving lesson plan.

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  1. What a creative idea! This project made me think of a project I did with long triangular strips from magazines. You can make really cool beads with triangular strips of colorful magazine pictures, elmer’s glue, and a pencil. I bet if you searched magazine beads online, you’d find the directions.

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