Toddler Tuesday… sticky SHAPES

After a few weeks without our little toddler friends we were so excited to get to spend some time with N and J!  I made sure to stock up on activities and pictures… so I have a few weeks prepped for Toddler Tuesday!

Awhile back (a long while… you can tell by the pictures!) I posted a Shapes Collage activity I did with M and M.  I really enjoyed the activity but wanted to “toddler size” it for N and J.

So… instead of using glue.  I taped a piece of contact paper to the kid table, sticky side up of course.

Instead of using a variety of shapes I used only circles.  Large, medium and small circles.  N and J had a great time placing the circles and then peeling them up and re-sticking them.

No exploration would be complete with out a magnifying glass.  Hmmm… does this one belong?

If you wanted to hang it up it would be very easy to peel of the table and hang in the window.

This post is a part of the SHAPES lesson plan.


  1. This is a great idea. I was going to do shape turkeys with the boys tomorrow. I wanted it to be opened ended though…. just a bunch of shapes that they could use to create a turkey however they wish. This will be great because they can play around with it until they get the product they want! Love it.

  2. When I taught younger preschoolers, they loved doing this. We used felt shapes – you can put them on and take them back off, rearranging as much as you want. I also tried this with kindergartners and they loved it, too.

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