A New Year’s Resolution Idea That Will Make You Feel Better About Yourself

The new year is right around the corner. Will you spend the next month trying to decide how to be better? Wishing for a change that will surely make you a happier, healthier, more focused person? Mapping out New Year’s resolutions and hoping you’ll be able to stick to them? I’ve done that in the past – haven’t we all?

Well this year I want to do it differently. This year I want to spend January remembering what I’ve done right and what I love about myself. This year I want to resolve to strengthen what is already strong. To focus on the best parts of my today and hope for more of those in the future. Want to join me?

Great New Year's Resolution Idea! Let's celebrate this year by wishing for more of the same

A NEW New Year’s Resolution Idea

I actually wrote and published this New Year’s Resolution idea a couple of years ago. I received a lot of great responses, including an email this year asking me to update the printable. One of my talents is putting a positive spin on anything (let me know if you need a silver lining or a clear plan) and this New Year’s Resolution guide is designed to do just that.

Here’s to making new New Year’s Resolutions!

Looking for more inspiration for the New Year? Check out 4 ways to Celebrate New Year’s as a Family and 15 Parenting Techniques to start the year off right.

This New Year’s Resolution Idea post originally appeared on December 9, 2013.


  1. Hello! Love the worksheet! I was wondering if you could please update the year to 2015 and 2016? Would love to use this for my 6th grade class at the start of the year!

  2. LOL, I am not sure if this is a brilliant way to avoid making silly resolutions or not. I gave up doing annual resolutions a long time ago. I do however sit and take stock of what has made me happy etc often. I sadly also do time-planning things and fail at keeping that up

  3. Pingback: New Years Resolutions um sort of. | CRAFT

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