Family Easter Science Activity Day Egg Experiments

We had so much fun with our Boiling Egg Experiment. I just knew we needed to expand on the experience. I’ve rounded up more egg experiments and made a family day of it!

Toss in a couple of egg puns and Easter Activities and you’re all set.

egg experiments the family will love

Big M titled our science projects “egg”speriments.  YEAH!  

We bought extra eggs and I saved plenty of egg-y science experiments on my Pinterest Science Board including frozen fizzy Easter eggs (how fun is that?)

Egg Experiment #1 – Air Pressure

egg experiments the family will love

Investigating Air Pressure was first on our list.  Head over to for the detailed how-to.  As you can see one of our eggs worked and one didn’t. The egg that didn’t work led to a great conversation about why it didn’t work!

Egg Experiment #2 – Newton’s Law

egg experiments the family will love

Next up was Newton’s Law.  Rookie Parenting has a great post on just how to conduct this egg experiment.  They used a plastic egg. We used a raw egg. What will you choose?

Egg Experiment #3 – Disappearing Egg Shell

egg experiments the family will love

We soaked two eggs in vinegar to make The Egg Shell Disappear Premeditated Leftovers has the info on this one.

egg experiments the family will love

I wish we would have made more than two because we lost one when rubbing off the shell.

Egg Experiment #4 – Ask and Answer

We soaked the naked egg in sugar water over night.  The egg was supposed to shrink but instead, it grew.  

We touched it, talked about it and then we decided to place a shelled egg in a bowl of sugar the next night… just to see what would happen.  Are you curious?  Too bad… you’ll have to try it out yourself. 😉 😉

egg experiments the family will love

Science tip (courtesy of Little M):  A science journal is a wonderful way to explore science.  Encourage your little one to record their finding with words or pictures.

More Egg Experiements to Try

Here are a few more egg experiemnts we can’t wait to try.

I can’t wait for another science day!  What should our “theme” be next time?


  1. Pingback: Raising Roos
  2. That is one huge egg. Though, I am curious to see them get smaller, I am much entertained with egg’s enhancement. Leaving me guessing will definitely make me perform the experiment.

    1. It is worth it… trust me! The experiment went on for days because as long as you don’t pop it you can do so much. We also soaked it in water tinted with food coloring.

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