Simple and Pretty Collage Easter Egg Craft

I was not one bit prepared for Easter this year! Maybe because it’s so close to the beginning of April or maybe because the kids are having a late spring break.

Whatever the reason, I’m scrambling this week to get into the Easter spirit.

When my niece J came to visit yesterday and wanted to do an Easter egg craft, I loved the idea.

I had the eggs for egg painting and stuffed some plastic eggs for a sound matching game, but she wanted to use glue.

Since I wasn’t prepared I had to use what we had on hand. The results were even cuter than I expected. (I love it when that happens.)

We love glue around here. It’s something we always have on hand (in fact I have an extra box of glue bottles stashed away so we never run out). Scholastic’s and Elmer’s have created an amazing resource of project ideas that make crafting quick, easy & stress-free. Dream! Make! Create! section has kid-friendly crafts for all occasions! The projects are shared in step-by-step tutorials and how-to videos.

Now for our Easter Egg Craft!

Easter Egg Craft Collage

Simple and Pretty Collage Easter Egg Craft

What you need: glue, scrapbook paper, white paper, black marker and scissors.

To prepare for this activity cut small squares of paper. I used different pieces of scrapbook paper but different colors of construction paper would work great too. (To extend this activity a bit, let your little one do some of the cutting.)

With a black marker, draw an Easter Egg on a piece of white paper.

Easter Egg Craft Collage

Set out a bottle of glue, the Easter egg, and the scraps. Let your little artist do the rest!

Note: Remember how I said I keep a box of extra glue bottles on hand? That’s because I never want to feel like the kids are wasting glue. Squeezing glue is a skill. Having control over how much comes out takes practice and the best way to practice is to SQUEEZE AWAY! If your kids are still in practice mode (or like mine just like to make a mess) put a cookie sheet under their paper. It keeps the glue contained and rinses off really easily.

Easter Egg Craft Collage

These collages would look great in a frame or as the front of an Easter card.


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