Easter Activity … Sound Game

Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I love the pastel colors that come with spring, pretty Easter baskets and of course planning a kid sized Easter activity or two.

When I found out my niece J would be spending the day with me, I knew it was time to pull out the plastic Easter eggs and have some fun. We made our very own Matching Sound Game. YEAH for simple playful learning!

Once we finished Easter coloring bookmarks would be next!

Easter activity matching sound game

Matching Sound Game

what you’ll need: 12 plastic Easter eggs, small objects for filling the eggs, empty egg carton

When choosing items for this Easter activity I visited my trusty art cabinet. Since I save just about everything I can smash (neatly organized of course) into that little space, I always have a ton of goodies to choose from.

We used dry pinto beans, small pasta (from our busy bags), gems, pom poms, tiny puzzle pieces and pebbles. The possibilities for fillers is endless, just remember you want to vary the sounds they will make.

 Easter activity sound game

J and I filled the eggs together, but you could prepare this Easter activity ahead of time if it works better for you.

Easter activity matching sound game

Once all the eggs were filled we placed them all into a basket. Then it was time to get our Sound Game started. J picked an egg and shook it. I asked her to pick another one and shake it. Do those sound the same?

If she said “no” I placed the egg off to the side (this gave her less eggs to test and prevented her from listening to the same egg more than once).

Easter activity matching sound game

When she found a pair that she thought sounded the same, I had her place them side by side into an empty egg carton.

Easter activity matching sound game

Once we had a full egg carton it was time to find out if the each match was right. Of course the best way to do that is to open them up! I had J shake and listen again before cracking them open.  (For kids that prefer instant gratification, open the eggs right away instead of waiting until the end).

Tips: 1To simplify this game match the color of the eggs as well as the objects inside. This will give them a little extra clue about which sounds match. 2. To make this game more challenging, find items that sound similar. They will be harder to figure out!

*** The eggs are full of objects that a kid could choke on. This activity should be supervised.***

More Easter fun!

Easter Sound Game
Easter Spelling Words
20 Easter Activities for Playful Learning

Easter Jokes for Kids


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