10 Fun Cooking Activities for Kids

The idea for this post of cooking activities for kids came about because M and M have been cooking so much lately. Big M loves to make scrambled eggs. I think he likes it best because he can complete the entire process by himself. Little M is our pancake maker.

The fact that they both like to make breakfast foods is no coincidence. I can cook, but it’s not my favorite thing to do. Early morning cooking is definitely not something I rush into the kitchen for. So if they want something fancier than oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, they have to make it.

While we’re on the subject of kids in the kitchen! Teaching my kids how to use a knife was one of the best things I’ve ever done for them (and me… hee hee).

I let the Kids Cook Real Food Knife Skills class do the teaching for me. Now when my son wants to bring melons to a school party… he does all the prepping! WIN!

The Knife Skills class is designed for kids ages 2 – teen with lessons divided by skill level.

I’m a proud affiliate of Kids Cook Real Food.

10 Fun Cooking Activities for Kids (+cooking tips!)

Learning how to cook is important! Getting kids comfortable in the kitchen is the first step and these 10 fun cooking activities for kids do just that.

10 Fun Cooking Activities for Kids

Cooking with kids is so important. Cooking is a skill that we all need on some level,  everyone must eat! While I can follow a recipe and make something yummy (thank you Pinterest!), Hubby can actually create meals. He makes restaurant worthy food from scratch. I want M and M to have that skill.

Who is the chef in your house? Do you love to cook? Have you started your kids in the kitchen yet?


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