Christmas Book Review #3

Christmas books are my favorite part of Christmas. I’ve already shared three sets of Christmas book reviews.  Book review #1, Book review #2 and Gingerbread books.

Christmas Books

I know we are getting pretty close to Christmas day… wouldn’t a new Christmas book be the perfect last minute item to pick up? Well today I will tell you about 6 books that we love!

christmas books

Snowmen at Night
By Caralyn Buehner  Pictures by Mark Buehner

Snowmen at Night is an adorable story about what happens to snowmen when the kids have gone in for the night. Now we don’t live where it snows (in fact I haven’t lived where it snows since I was 2 years old) but I would guess that each night snowmen sag a bit. Even in our sunny part of the world M, M and I were able to appreciate the idea that this change just might be happening because of some wild snowman activities!

Christmas books

Cinderella’s Fairy Merry Christmas
By Andrea Posner – Sanchez    Pictures by Elisa Marrucchi

Normally I am not a huge fan of character books. I find the stories can be generic and forced. This one however is right up my alley. Cinderella wants to set up a perfect Christmas for her Prince. Her well meaning Fairy Godmother tries to help by magically setting the stage, but Cinderella will have no part of that. She believes that the perfect Christmas is one that she has created with her own hands.  I agree!

Christmas books

Christmas Magic
By Michael Garland

Christmas Magic is by far my favorite. With beautiful pictures and a magical story this is one book I could read over and over. On Christmas Eve a little girl and her neighbor build a snow woman and snow man. The pair come to life and dance through the night, gliding over the snow. In an even more magical turn the girl is invited to join in. What a wonderful Christmas Eve!

Christmas Books

The Boys’ Christmas Book

Big M is loving this activity book. It’s filled with games, activities and stories. I am loving how hands on it is. He’s been inspired to create his own activities based on what he’s learned from The Boys’ Christmas Book. He has barely begun to scratch the surface with all that it offers… this is a book that will get used to it’s fullest for the next few years! (There is also a Girls’ Christmas Book.)

Christmas Books

Froggy’s Best Christmas

We love all of the Froggy books and this one is no different. Since Froggy sleeps through Christmas every year his friend decides to wake him up to celebrate for the very first time. The fun adventure takes Froggy though all of the exciting things about Christmas.  They pick out a tree, decorate it, make and wrap presents and even roast chestnuts.


Christmas is Coming
By Claire Masurel  Illustrated by Marie H. Henry

You know the books with pictures so pretty you want to hang them on the wall? This is one of those books. The text is simple and short… perfect for the littlest readers. Juliette and her stuffed buddies prepare for Christmas and even unwrap the perfect presents on Christmas morning.

This post contains affiliate links. As always the opinions are mine. Read the fine print.

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