Camp Mom: Snack Necklaces

First off, let me start with a disclaimer.  This is not the healthiest post ever.  This is all about treats!

As part of our 7 Days of Summer, Brayden hosted his friends for an end of summer movie party.  It was a great way to get everyone together after a summer spent apart & to get excited for the coming first grade year.

Last year we hosted a similar party, and as a treat we had a banana split bar.  Let’s just say ice cream sundaes eaten in the dark by a bunch of five year olds was not my most brilliant idea ever.

This year I was looking for a fun treat that wasn’t so messy, but I still wanted it to be a “build your own” kind of activity.  These snack necklaces that I saw several places on Pinterest fit the bill perfectly.

I assembled snacks & candy of all sorts. All of it with holes in the middle.

Then we set the kids up with a length of ribbon and a napkin for them to put their snacks on while they assembled their necklaces.  I encouraged them to create patterns in snacks and colors, just like they would with beads.

Once they were completed we tied them around their necks, turned down the lights & enjoyed our snacks & The Lorax.  The kids loved it!

This could be used for other things besides a movie.  Birthday parties, road trips, hikes.  And I’m already thinking of ideas for a healthier everyday version.  More pretzels (we used chocolate & yogurt covered ones), healthier cereal, dried apple rings.  I would love to hear your ideas too!

Tara is the mother of a funny, charming and extremely handsome 6 year boy.  She is revamping Tara’s Kitchen Sink a bit and getting ready to bring her readers a little bit of everything.  Make sure to follow her when you’re there… you won’t want to miss any of the brilliant things she has to say!


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