ABCs of Storytelling… F – J
Today is part 2 of the ABCs of Storytelling. Yesterday I covered A -E, today we are on to F-J. Once you’ve soaked up all these great storytelling tips make sure to follow the links at the bottom of the post to the Mom Tips and Tricks portion of the ABC’s Series.
F is for Free Form Tear & Tell
Try the fun and easy technique of Free Form Tear & Tell
I love when I come across something I have never heard of (and can’t wait to try) while I’m researching stuff to share with you! This activity is one of those gold minds. It’s simple, free and is sure to get the creative storytelling juices flowing.
All you need for this storytelling activity is paper. Each person tears a piece paper and uses that piece as inspiration for the next step of the story. There is more to it… I’ll let you visit Modern Parents Messy Kids to learn about Free Form Tear & Tell.
G is for Get Down
Get down on your little one’s level for a real storytelling connection.
Get down! (Did you picture a little dance off in the middle of your living room?) Hee hee, gotcha. While I do encourage dancing around, that isn’t the focus of this post. So let’s talk about getting down on your little one’s level for storytelling. I have always been a firm believer in talking to kids at their level. You can read more about the importance of looking kids in the eye. (If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend that you do!)
Storytelling is no different. While you are engaged in a storytelling activity it’s important that you are physically level with them. Bringing yourself to their size will help your kids to feel like an active participant, rather than a member of the audience.
Looking kids in the eye isn’t hard… try sitting on the floor where they’re playing or placing yourselves side by side at the kitchen table. Snuggling on the couch is always nice too!
H is for Hold on to a Few
Hold on to a few of your favorite stories as keepsakes.
Just like everything else in this fun stage of life, storytelling will change as the kids grow up. Try to hold onto a few of your favorite stories, you’ll be so glad you did.
Tips for recording a story.
~Make sure to include the date!
~Write down the story as it’s being told. Then rewrite it nice and neat or type it up. (For this you may need the storytellers to slow down a bit or repeat what they said once in a while. ;))
~Video tape or make a sound recording of the story unfolding.
~Add notes that clarify anything that might not make sense later (Did they use a school friend as the main character? Was there an obstacle that they’ve been struggling with them self?)
I is for Imagination
Practice using your imagination whenever possible.
Storytelling requires the use of imagination. A healthy imagination is something that can be practiced and strengthened… and it doesn’t have to happen during story time. Most kids are naturally imaginative (but some kids and most adults need to work that muscle to make imaginative play easier).
We play a game in the car that the kids and I love. While using clues we try to imagine where people are going or coming from. What could the dirt above the tires mean? Are there any objects in the bed of the truck that tell their own story? How many people are in the car? Are they dressed fancy and chatting? What might be in the large trailer? Are there windows or vents? Any wording that offers a clue?
This game is short. There is no need for a beginning, middle and end. And most importantly there is no right (or wrong) answer. It’s just meant to get everyone thinking.
More ways to play with imagination.
~Predict what will happen in a book by looking at the cover.
~Dress up.
~Play dough with props.
~Block play.
J is for Journal
Create a journal especially for storytelling treasures.
Sometimes the hardest part of storytelling is getting started. Buy or make a journal to hold storytelling inspiration for later. Remember how I suggested brainstorming descriptive words for the letter D portion of this series? Your storytelling journal will be a great place to keep track of all the fantastic words your family comes up with.
Other things to keep in your storytelling journal.
~ Story locations (or scenes)
~ Characters
~ Quotes
~ Inspiring photos
~ Drawings
~Parts of the current story your telling that might be fun to use later
Once your journal contains some ideas all you’ll have to do it grab it and pull ideas. Storytelling will be easier than ever!
Next up the ABC’s of Storytelling K – O.
ABC’s of Mom Tips and Tricks
Being a Hands on Mom from hands on : as we grow
Connecting with your Kids from One Perfect Day
Family Field Trips with Kids from Edventures with Kids
Kids Party Ideas from Mama Pea Pod
Mama Survival from The Dizzy Mom
Organized Home from Mamas Like Me
Printables from Mama Miss
Raising Boys from Boy Mama Teacher Mama
Raising Eco-Friendly Kids from Kitchen Counter Chronicles
Raising Girls from Mess for Less
Raising a Healthy Kid from Living Life Intentionally
Raising a Thinking Child from The Outlaw Mom
Raising a World Citizen from All Done Monkey
Simply Celebrating Holidays as a Family from Inspired by Family Magazine
Teaching Kids about Money from Carrots are Orange
The Family Dinner Table from Connecting Family & Seoul
Trying A New Experience with Your Children from 52 Brand New
Values for Children from True Aim Education
I like storytelling ideas need to see more. Thank you for sharing.
Now I need to start a storytelling journal. 🙂
What wonderful ideas! I need to start recording memories with my son.