PRINCESS PARTY chain garland, cupcakes and toppers
Chain Garland
I’m not a huge fan of streamers so I decided to come up with something a little different for Little M’s princess party. Chain garland was the answer.
what you need: scrapbook paper or decorative paper ~ glue
Although they were very simple, they were also time consuming. . .make sure you start early if you plan to use them! I cut strips of four different paper patterns. The strips I cut measured approximately 1/2 inch x 4 inches. Then I made the first loop, linking every loop from then on.
The plan was to have the kids help me make these chains, and I would guide them into a little pattern practice. They were not one bit interested. . . but after I hung them up and went to get ready I came down stairs to find Big M had added to the decorations.
He cut 4 hearts and stapled them to the garland. My Hubby told me he went to the art cabinet (did I mention that I love having an art cabinet) and cut these out without even drawing them first. We were very impressed, and I was touched.
Since Little M is so into baking, and doing things herself, I decided to forgo baking a fabulous princess cake that NO ONE is allowed to help with. Instead we used this fabulous idea from Delia Creates to make fun princess cupcakes. . .and Little M had a blast.
I’m so sorry but I can not give you the recipe. I used my favorite cake recipe from Rose Levy Beranbaum’s The Cake Bible. You can easily make these from your own favorite recipe though. After Little M and I made the batter, we divided it into 4 seperate bowls. We left one batter white, colored one batter green, one pink and one purple. I used Wilton icing color.
I loaded the batter into piping bags. I did use one ziploc bag with a small hole cut in one corner, just to be sure it would work. It did, so if you don’t have piping bags you can still easily do this!
Slipping the bag over a cup and folding the edges over the sides makes the bag much easier to fill.
Little M and I filled the cupcake tins 3/4 of the way full. We layered the colors.
Don’t you just love the color design? They were so simple and EVERYONE asked how I did it. I should have pretended they were way to complicated to copy (hee hee).
Cupcake Topper
Did you see the super cute cupcake toppers? Okay, I’ll show you again.
what you need: scrap book paper ~ card stock ~ stir straws ~ glue
I traced and cut two different sized circles. I used card stock on the smaller circle and stamped the center. Some received a M and some received a 4. Then I just glued the two together. Once all of the circles were dry I glued a straw in between two circles.
On the day of the party I stuck a topper in some of the cupcakes. It really turned out to be a simple way to add something extra.
Did you see the games we played at Little M’s princess party? Visit here. For the birthday book review click here.
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Those colorful cupcakes are adorable! Makes me with my birthday boy was a liiiiiiittle younger than 13 today. 🙂
P.S. I found you on the SITS forum.
Oh wow, these These are great! I love the cupcakes…so adorable…
Dropping by from the SITS 31dbbb
Thank you!