Lego Sculptures with Play Doh

This post originally appeared on January 25, 2012. 

Are you loving Lego week????   We are and it is only going to get better…

A few days ago we had a really fun day of rain that ended up more of a Lego day than a rainy one!  We sat on the front porch and played all morning.

Lego Scultpures with Play doh (10)

Our first project was this one…

Lego Scultpures with Play doh (4)

Lego Sculptures with Play Doh

We took a Lego Garden that Big M created last week and the set of Play-Doh that they were given for Christmas out to the front porch. My plan was to use the Lego Garden as inspiration for a Play-Doh sculpture.  This idea is a twist on At Home With Ali’s Making a Puppy Sculpture.

Lego Scultpures with Play doh (7)

We started out talking about the foundation.  Shape, size, color… we also talked about how they would represent the Lego structure.  Would they try to copy it exactly or add their own ideas?  Of course they both opted to change them up a bit.  Creative kids! 😉

Lego Scultpures with Play doh (6)

There was a lot of observing.

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Lego Scultpures with Play doh (8)


Lego Scultpures with Play doh (1)

and laughing…

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lots of laughing.

Lego Scultpures with Play doh (3)

 Big M’s Play-Doh representation of his Lego Garden.

Lego Scultpures with Play doh (2)

 Little M’s Play-Doh representation of her brother’s Lego Garden.

Lego Scultpures with Play doh

Now what am I going to do with all of this left over goodness?

More Lego

Don’t have Lego’s? Pick up a LEGO Ultimate Building Set.
Plan a Lego Birthday Party. Easy Lego Party Games, Lego Party Decorations.
Check out Lego Week.

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It’s Playtime

This post contains affiliate links. As always opinions are mine.


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