cutting and gluing GROCERY coupons

Do you remember my sister Penny?  Click here, and here, and here for a little reminder.  She’s back to add an awesome learning experience to GROCERY week.  Make sure to leave her a nice little comment. . .I’d like her to join my team.  A little love might be what it takes!

Do you have any extra coupons laying around?  If so, let your little ones get in some small motor skills by cutting and gluing them.

What you need:  coupon sheets, scissors, glue and paper

Lay the coupons out on the table with a pair of scissors.  And let the cutting begin!

As you can tell by the title of the post, this activity was supposed to include gluing, but we modified it a little bit.  I have recently started using coupons as a way to save money.  I keep my coupons in baseball card inserts, in a 3-ring binder.  My girls are little mini-me’s, so they too, wanted baseball card holders for their coupons.

This activity was a great way for them to learn about coupons and why I use them.  We also talked about all the different numbers we saw on the coupons.

This post is a part of  the GROCERY lesson plan.

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  1. Pingback: Are coupons worth the savings? « Fabulous&MoneySavvy

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