Creative Kid Lego Challenge #1: Build a Lego Car

Yay! I cannot tell you how excited I am about our new Creative Kid Lego Challenge. Big M came to me with the idea, and I sort of ran with it. I mean LEGO?!?!? We love LEGO! (And quite honestly, we love a challenge too.)

So here are the basics. We have combined three of our favorite things: creativity, LEOG building, and storytelling to make this challenge a playful learning minefield.

Build a Lego Car - Lego Challenge - So fun and even includes storytelling practice.

CKLC #1:  Build a Lego Car

1. Stick with the theme of the Challenge… but get creative. This week, it’s Build a LEGO Car. The car can be a replica of a real car, a fantasy car, a mini car (Big M once made some really cool mini remote control cars), or a floating car… if you don’t have wheels. 🙂

2. Tell a story. Storytelling is an incredible skill. It practices problem-solving, creativity, and quick thinking. For the purpose of CKLC, stories can be as short as a few words or as long as a few paragraphs. The idea is to extend the LEGO experience and open up a new skill in a place they are already comfortable. For kids who are new (or resistant) to storytelling, a few questions might be all they need to get started. Here are a few you can try. “This LEGO guy is holding on to a rope. Did he bring it with him or did he find it on the building when he got there?” “I wonder what would happen if your Lego car only went in reverse. Hmmm.” “This part of your Lego animal is green. Different from the rest. Tell me about that.” Sometimes, all it takes is a simple “and then what happened?”

3. No kits…. well actually, the end goal is no kits. I know there are kids who are most comfortable following directions and sticking to them exactly. For those kids a challenge like this might be overwhelming. Try having them change one or two details from the kit. Maybe the colors of the bricks or adding something on that wasn’t specified in the directions. Every week, encourage more and more changes.

Make sure to share this challenge with your friends!

 More Lego

  • Check out the latest CKLC… and get building! (This challenge ended long ago, but the LEGO fun continues. If you want to share your creation, you can email me at I’d love to see! )
  • Want to have some Lego fun? Lego Activities are kind of our thing. ;)


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