Big and Little… Pretend Play Office
Did you get a chance to visit At Home with Ali yesterday? Her LITTLE office tower was so, so cute! I love how many preschool skills her girls were working on while creating the office tower. If you haven’t seen it, go there first…. I’ll wait.
You’re back! Yeah. 🙂
M and M have been making hideouts and fortresses and whatever they can call the little space that holds their goodies. The most recent Little M space is her office. She spends quite a bit of time organizing it, adding to it and sitting at it. When I suggested we add a few fun details, she was very excited.
I rounded up some office type supplies.
~paper clips
~pens and pencils
~old cell phone… are there still corded phones in offices?
***I was instructed by a 911 dispatch friend of mine to tell you to please remove the battery or bring the charge completely down to nothing. Even phones without service can call 911.***
Our homemade computer turned out so cool… and I can take no credit. I started to make one by covering a piece of cardboard with black construction paper. Since the “big kids” need to be picked up from school I left my niece T and Little M home with Hubs. Two little laptops were created while I was gone. They did a much better job then I would have done!
I’m not sure how long Little M will leave my additions before reorganizing her space, but for now she’s enjoying it.
What office supplies will you add for you office space?
That’s such a good idea! My little ones have a fascination with copying me. especially with electronic devices so I think I’ll be making some “computers for them.
Love the handmade computer! Thanks for the tip about the cell phone. Pinning this fun pretend play idea.
I like how they made their own laptops — how sweet! I’m afraid that my kids would expect to have a real laptop, unfortunately. I recently picked up an old phone (you know, the kind with cords) and my kids are in LOVE with it. Every now and then I’ll catch them in the middle of conversations with people on the other end. Neither my husband nor I work in traditional offices, so we’d have to come up with a SAHM Blogger game or some such thing 🙂
Awesome Jill, the girls and I will be getting the office supplied out tomorrow 🙂