Paper Bag Challenge and a linky

It’s time for another Tinkerlab Creative Challenge… this month the challenge is Paper Bags.  (Tinkerlab has also included a giveaway this time!  Make sure to check it out!)

(I actually had to make a point to get some paper bags from the store…. I guess that’s the down side to all of those reusable bags. 😉 )

Paper Bag Mini Coloring Book
I loved the way that Tinkerlab set out the material already altered in the Magazine Challenge.  So this time I tried to think of several different ways to present these Paper Bags.
I cut up a paper bag.  Crumpled some.  Punch holes to make paper bag circles.  Cut some strips and set everything out for the M and M to see while they ate snack.
Little M’s area quickly looked like this… can you count the creative projects in the works here?
Big M grabbed an old gum box out of the art cabinet.
I watched quietly as he cut off the top.
He measured the box and started cutting… hmmm.
Big M stapled five square pieces of paper bag together and announced.
“It’s a coloring book!”
We worked together to decorate the outside of the gum box.
Big M awarded me this adorable coloring book.. to keep in my purse .  All that was left was to add the coloring pages.
Big M made a star.
Little M made a unicorn.
I guess I’ll just slide this Mini Coloring Book into my purse and save it for the next time I’m waiting in line. 😉
This post is a part of the Creative Challenge Series.
Visit all of these wonderful Paper Bag Challenge posts and then go ahead and add your own! (One post only please.)


 Paint Cut Paste, Imagination SoupHands On: As We Grow, Child Central Station, Putti Prapancha, Irresistible Ideas for Play-Based Learning, Teach Preschool, The Chocolate Muffin Tree, Nurture Store, Small Types,Make Do & FriendThe Imagination Tree, Toddler Approved, Red Ted Art, Kids in the Studio, Rainy Day Mum, Glittering Muffins, Sense of Wonder, Mom To 2 Posh Lil Divas, Come Together Kids, My Creative Family, Kitchen Counter Chronicles, A Mom With A Lesson Plan, Angelique Felix, The Golden Gleam, Clarion Wren, Living at the Whitehead’s Zoo, Let Kids Create, De tout et de rien, PlayDrMomCreativity My PassionKiwi Crate, Tinkerlab



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