pretend play homemade GROCERY store

This post originally appeared May 16, 2011.

One of my favorite Mommy projects is the pretend play area.  Last week we had a fun cafe, the week before that a stage area complete with keyboard and tambourines.  I’ve been hesitant to post these set ups because they don’t photo well.  This week we are having fun with a grocery lesson plan, so of course I set up a grocery store.   I hope the pictures are good enough to inspire a shopping corner in your little area of the world.

I collected boxes and other containers. (In all honesty, I’m always collecting boxes.  This was just in time to clean out my overly clutter art cabinet!)

I set up our cash register
, leaving a little space on the table top for a conveyor belt.

pretend play

I had the hardest time finding play money.  I don’t know why, I’ll probably come across it at every store from here on out!  I found some old fake change (because I have bought play money in the past!) and I cut rectangle pieces of paper to represent dollars.  We will probably get more creative with it throughout the week.

I added coupons, old name tags, purses, wallets and reusable grocery bags.

I don’t have want a kid shopping cart.  They are big, and I don’t really care for one purpose BIG toys.  So instead I gathered up a few baskets and boxes for the kids to fill with items they wish to purchase.

Of course our store is pet friendly.

So, are the photos good enough?  If they work you’ll see a lot more posts like this one!

This post is a part of  the GROCERY lesson plan.

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