Family Book Club Week 6: The Secret Garden Wrap Up
Can you believe we are already on the final week of our first edition of the Family Book Club? I’ve had so much fun with this series. The emails and comments have let me know that you have enjoyed it too! The feedback has helped drive the series and because of it, I’ve decided to go for round two of the Family Book Club. You will find the next selection at the bottom of this post. For now, let’s finish up The Secret Garden.
Reading Goal
This week read chapters 21-24.
The Secret Garden Discussion Questions and Activities
Chapter 21 Discussion Question
- The title of Chapter 21 is Someone Else in the Garden. Think back to early on in the book, can you remember who suspected someone else in the garden? Why did they think someone had been there? Who do you think it was? Predict what will happen in this chapter.
Chapter 22 Discussion Question
- When Colin realizes that he will live to be a man, he starts to have dreams of becoming a scientific discoverer. Take turns sharing dreams. What do the kids dream of becoming someday? What did you dream about when you were little? What dreams do you have now?
Chapter 23 Discussion Question
- Mary notices that the tapestry covering the picture of Colin’s mother has been taken down. Talk about why that is. What has changed for Colin? In what ways has Mary changed?
Chapter 24 Discussion Question
- The book ends with Colin and Mr. Craven being reunited. There isn’t any mention of how he responded to Mary. How do you think Mr. Craven feels about Mary? What things might he have said to her later? Talk about how the three of them might live as a family.
Wrap Up Activity
- Create your own Secret Garden. Start with a big piece of construction paper (we used long pieces of thin cardboard). There will be three sections; the middle space is for the garden and the two outer spaces will become the gates. Fold the paper We did a similar activity when we read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, the way we did it might be an easier modification for younger kids.
- Draw and cut out the gates. Use a pencil to draw the gates into the garden. Talk about how each of you envisions the entry. Did you all picture it the same way? What details from the book do you remember? (Tip: Cutting it out will be much easier with less detail, so don’t get too carried away.) Cut out the gate.
- Create the garden. Use pencils, colored pencils, markers and watercolors to create a beautiful garden. Include things you remember from the book. Add in your favorite flowers and plants.
The Next Family Book Club Selection
The next Family Book Club starts November 22. I’ll move through this one rather fast, so that I can make sure you have all the questions and activities ahead of time. That way you can read at your own pace.
We’ve picked Magic Tree House #44: A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time and the kids are beyond excited to get started reading it. (The link I’ve given you is an affiliate link, but as always I recommend checking your local library first.)
Just wanted to say that we really enjoyed The Secret Garden, and, honestly, it’s not a book I would have gravitated to. I never read it as a child. It was a timely read for us, since we now use it as a reference when reminding our very emotional daughter that her thoughts control her state. I really appreciate the discussion questions. We look forward to the next book club readings! We have already read all The Magic Treehouse books (we are big fans!!), so we will read The Tale of Despereaux while you guys read that. 🙂 Enjoy! Thanks again!!!
Teresa, You have made my day! I’m so glad you are able to use The Secret Garden as a such a great tool. Having a character to relate to makes some discussions so much easier. We loved The Tale of Despereaux! The kids were so young when I read it to them, I’ve thought a lot about going back to it again.