EASTER science a boiling egg experiment

We had the best day last weekend!  A day full of egg experiments and this particular egg experiment was my favorite!  Big M gave our egg experiments a fun name.  “Egg”speriments.  YEAH!

We learned all about hard boiling an egg.  Fun right?  (And useful if you have never been quite sure how long an egg should boil. 😉 )

I used a sharpie to write the amount each egg would cook before they went into the pan.  (One egg had no writing… it was great for talking to the kids about what they thought it meant.)

Into the boiling water they went.  I set the timer for two minutes.

We pulled one out (the one that was labeled 2 minutes) and then reset the timer.

The eggs went into a bowl of ice water… important step to stop the eggs from cooking.

Once they were all cooked it was time for the fun to begin.  Little M and Big M took turns opening the eggs one at a time.  We started with the raw egg.  As each one was opened we talked about the texture, the color, the changes.   It was so cool!

Little M turned this into a sensory experience… no surprise there. 🙂  Hubs pointed out that it would have been a good idea to open each egg onto a separate plate or back into the egg carton.  That would have made it easier for us to really see the changes side by side.  (Of course he was probably trying to avoid the Little M mess.)

*** Use caution with raw and under cooked eggs… make sure the kids wash up really well and don’t eat anything that has touched the raw eggs.***

Love this egg experiment?  Check out more science activities for kids!

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  4. What a great idea! I’ve used hard boiled eggs in my classroom before, but I love this experiment!
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  5. This is awesome!! The kiddos here love experiments that involve timers, and this is great at showing how different amounts of time in the hot water cause different results. We are definitely adding this to our ever growing list of “eggtivities”.. thanks for sharing 🙂

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