Home made Christmas… Inspiration for Kids

My Mom came to me with an INCREDIBLE idea!  We are both inspiration junkies.  You know, we search out and save ideas.  We see fun projects, crafts, and food… and then we make something (usually totally different) inspired by what we’ve seen.  One day she said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if the kids had a magazine or catalog full of inspiring ideas?”  UM YEAH, it would be so cool!

 She mentioned it around Christmas and I always set up an ornament making station around Christmas.  So I decided to make this particular inspiration catalog with a Christmas ornament theme.  I started pinning like crazy… (if you are not a pinner sign up for Pinterest right now!)   Once I had about 20 ideas saved up, I copied the images and pasted them into Microsoft Word.  Then I printed the pages, contact papered them and that’s it.  EASY!

One day when my nieces were over. I spread the inspiration papers on the kid table, opened up the art cabinet, and sat back to watch.

Ever since I decided to let M and M use a hot glue gun their art has reached new heights.  I have been leaving it out for them to use with their art supplies.  (After a few lessons in safety and watching them closely for a couple of months I feel like they can handle it.)  Because we had 2 extra set of little hands I sat next to the glue gun station to monitor.

  I don’t have any pics of the kids making the ornaments because I have vowed to be more connected for the month of December.  (Blog pics can sometimes get in the way.)  Let me tell you the process was AMAZING!

The Final Products

home made christmas

Big M was inspired by the craft stick trees.  (I found the pic at A Home School Journey)

Cousin S loved these little snowmen… she made so many of them!  (The inspiring pic came from A Day of Wonder.)

Big M and Cousin S made their own version of this Bottle Cap Snowman.  (Pic from What I Live For.)

Cousin T found inspiration in this Cone Shaped Christmas Tree (pic from Busy Bee Kids Crafts).  She loved the glue gun and ended up with the coolest sculpture!

Little M never even looked at the inspiration pages for her home made Christmas ornament… no big surprise!  Her creations are almost always a unique design.

I couldn’t take pics of the actual Christmas Ornament pages… oh how I wanted to.  (Again with my December promise of less blogging!!!)  Don’t worry though, if you want to make your own just head on over to my Christmas Inspiration for Kids Pintrest board.  I’ve pinned all of the ideas I used there. 

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