book review ~ Numbers and Counting

26 letters and 99 cents
by Tana Hoban
I was delighted to find this book.  It is a two-sided book.  When you get to the middle, turn it over and start on the “back”.  The kids seem to think those little surprises are fun.  What I love about this book is how simple the pictures are.  Next to each number is the amount of change it would take to make that number.
For the number 25; 5 nickels are shown, as well as, two dimes and a nickel, and even 1 quarter.  The numbers are bright and fun colors that really stand out on the white background.  The book counts 1-30 and then skips to counting by 5s until you reach 50 and then by 10s.

When you flip the book you find letters next to a simple pictures starting with that letter. . .but that’s for another review.

Count the Ways, Little Brown Bear
By Jonathon London Illustrated by Margie Moore

This book was recommended to me by my sister.  It is one of their family favorites.  The pictures are sweet and playful.  Little Brown Bear moves through the story as he listens to the ways his mother loves him.
“I love you.  More than you love to catch this striped fish and this spotted fish.”  This little guy must be a lot like my little guy, because he quickly counts the items she gives him and responds with a number.  “That’s TWO fish.”
I would call this a bedtime book as well as a counting book.  The verse is very calming and easy to read in a quiet voice.  Little Brown Bear ends the story fast asleep.

One Odd Day
By Doris Fisher and Dani Sneed
Illustrated by Karen Lee

The cover on this one grabbed me.  Isn’t it fun?!?!
The verse is smooth and easy to read.  The main focus of the story is that the character’s day is full with odd numbers (and missing even ones).  What a great way to start learning about odd and even numbers!  I fell in love with the pictures immediately.
Each page is full of odd little happenings, and you have to spend time examining each page.  Details are hidden. . .even in the tablecloth.   I imagine this book will be a fun one to work an art activity around, you may see one soon.  (Hmmm. . .I think you can count on that!)

If you are looking to add a few more books to your shelves, you can find some good ones here.


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