MUD painting

Last week was so much fun!!! With the Literature lesson plan, and my special guest…. I was enjoying every second!  The best part is, this week has the potential to be even better!

We are celebrating MUD DAY.  Can you believe there is such a day?  Well there is and Little M has mud gushing through her toes and caked in her hair.  AWESOME!  World Mud Day is on June 29th, but will show up here tomorrow (it’s a time zone thing).

I will be posting Mud fun all week, you do not want to miss it so if you don’t already subscribe with me go to the side bar and hit one of those cute pink buttons!


what you need: Mud ~ Paint brushes ~ Food Coloring ~ Poster Board

Little M experimented with coloring the mud.  It was hard to see, but once the mud was on the poster board the color soaked into it, surrounding the mud.  It was pretty neat.

The paintbrushes worked, but Little M decided to try out other forms of painting.  She dripped and splattered mud.

She used a scrapper from our Mud Pie Kitchen (more on that Wednesday!)

Of course she painted with her feet… this is Little M we’re talking about!

She even asked me to join in, trust me that never happens.  I tried spreading it thick and scraping letters with the back of a paintbrush.

When the fun of painting wore off Little M used the poster board to make a river… not a bad idea.

Questions (to ask your kids): “Is painting with mud different than painting with paint? How?”  “Which tools can we try to get the mud on the paper?”  “What do you think will happen when the mud is dry?”

What type of MUD fun are you having this summer?



  1. Pingback: 50 Ideas For A Rainy Day | outmumbered
  2. Pingback: 50 Ideas For A Rainy Day « outmumbered
  3. Pingback: Make it a Mud Day! » The Best of Everything
  4. Pingback: International Mud Day: a day to celebrate mud pies, mud puddles, and all things messy | The Intentional Parent
  5. Pingback: Ways to Play with Mud | Fun Learning Activities for Preschoolers and Kids
    1. hello my name is sam courage 24 lol not quite a kid but im really intrested in these mud paintings , iv been thinking what to do while traveling n want to get animal paw prints on canvas but not shore if customs will let it go threw. also if i does go threw the canvas will be rolled up n dont want the mud to crack, any ideas?. iv got some adisive spray glue will that work? many thanks

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