Magnet White Board Sight Word Practice

We are busy enjoying warm days and a relaxed summer schedule.  Of course summer is also the perfect time for playful learning at a slower speed. With Big M headed into first grade and Little M following right behind into kindergarten, sight words are high on our list of priorities.

When my mom brought home this magnetic dry erase board with empty magnet tiles I knew just what to do with them. She found them at a garage sale and I have no idea where to buy one. If you know leave me a comment… I’m sure other readers would like to know as well. Of course, this is one learning toy that would be easy to put together yourself. Just buy a dry erase magnet board and some magnet strips. (A couple of readers have left some ideas of where to get one… so check the comment section!)

I grabbed the sight words Big M worked on last year (and that Little M will be working on next year) and filled in the blank tiles. I also added some very important names.

Sight Word Practice 4 ways

1. See (and hear), find, read, write. When it’s the first time with a new set of words this is a great way to begin. Say the word while showing the card. Have your little one find it, and then read it. Next up, write it out.

2. Making sentences. Make a sentence using the sight words and let your little one copy it. Once they are familiar with the words, have them make their own sentences.

3. Missing words. Write out a sentence leaving out one word. Have your little one find the missing word.

4.  Spelling fun. For those kids who are working on spelling words leave out a word that they are not familiar with. Have them sound it out and fill it in.

Hope your summer has been filled with playful learning!


  1. You can find them at pretty much any school supply store. I used to be a kindergarten teacher and I used these A LOT. You can also buy magnetic tape and use either a sharpie (silver works great for the black of the magnet) for permanent words or use a Via-a-vis marker (wet erase) for changeable words. Coming from a former Kindergarten teacher – your child’s future teacher will thank you! 🙂

  2. We love our magnetic white board! So many uses. We found our’s at Wal-Mart, but Target should have them too. Any school supply store as well should sell a similar item. You can even buy magnetic chalk board paint to create your own on the wall, or from a piece of scrap wood. Lots of options for those that want to try this.

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