LETTER ACTIVITIES. . .letter sound games
Playing with letter sounds is so much fun, we are always finding new ways to add in a little practice. In fact tonight after our story I asked M and M to give me a word that started with the letter M before they were carried off to bed. They answered so quickly, I decided to make it a little more challenging. “Can you think of a word that ends with the letter M?” That was a bit too difficult, but it did get Daddy in on the game.
2 letter sound games
Up the Stairs
Have your little one stop after each step and ask the question. “A makes an “A” sound. Can you think of a word that starts with “A”? Make sure they guess before they move on. If their answer is less than right, give a “Great try; octopus actually starts with O “O”.” Then let them move ahead.
The Name Game
When you are saying goodbye at a party, lean down and whisper in your little ones ear; “ J makes a “J” sound. Can you say goodbye to someone who’s name starts with a “J”? If your kids are younger, or just not that interested in letter sounds then add another clue. ““ J makes a “J” sound. Can you say goodbye to someone who’s name starts with a “J” and who wears glasses?”
What letter sound games do you play?
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