Football Math for Game Day

Football is big deal at my house, especially as the NFL heads into the postseason.  My son and I enjoy watching the games together and cheering on our favorite teams.  It also lets me try out a little trick play of my own– sneaking in some fun football math practice.

Football Math Activities for Game Day

Football Math Fun

  • While we’re watching, I’ll ask him questions such as, “What would the team’s score be if they got another touchdown?” “What is the difference between the two teams’ scores?”  Or, “What’s the quickest way for the team to score 10 more points?”
  • The game clock and the field itself also provide ways to fit math into the game.  You can ask your little fan how much time has elapsed in the current quarter. You can also get him or her to figure out the team’s position on the field.  For example, if the team is on the 35 yard line, ask your child where the team will be if they run 8 yards on the next play.
  • Play football bingo using this preschool bingo or this bingo for bigger kids.

More Football Learning Ideas

  • But what if you’re not a football fan yourself?  No problem!  If your child already has a good handle on the game, ask him or her to teach it to you.  If you’re both new to the sport, learn together.  This is also a good way to get another football fan in your life involved.  Maybe your husband, cousin, or sister could toss out a few questions the next time the family is gathered to watch the game.
  • Football is also a chance to talk about sportsmanship.  You can discuss losing gracefully, winning humbly, and cheering respectfully.
  • Talk about all of the people other than athletes who work hard to support a team, from trainers and coaches to equipment managers.

There are many ways to sneak math and other lessons into your day.  Football is just one way I do it, and you can use the same strategies while watching all kinds of sports.  It’s game time!

karaKara White is the mom of two children, a son, 7, and a daughter, 3. Kara enjoys reading, baking, and trying to finish a cup of coffee while it’s still hot!

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