Doll Accessories – DIY Cake for Dolls

Over the summer we found something AWESOME! My Froggy Stuff. Have you heard of My Froggy Stuff? It’s a group of women (hmmm, I think it’s a group of women. They don’t have an about page so the behind-the-scenes geniuses will have to remain a mystery for now). Anyway, they create doll accessories out of junk. You know the kind of junk that most people throw away but we playful learners place in the art center, waiting to see what it will turn into. They show you what it can turn into and even show you how to make it happen!

I set Little M up with the computer, her Littlest Pet Shop animals and full access to the art area. While I made dinner, she made a bath tub, a sink, a rug and a bed. The instruction videos are so simple that even a 6 year old can follow along. (Of course she’s a pretty amazing 6 year old.) We were hooked and I’ve been dying to spread the love  your way.

doll accessories - Such a cute way to make doll cakes! The instruction video is so easy to follow.

Since we are playing around with food this week I thought their doll cakes would be a perfect way for me to introduce you to them. Readers, meet our new best friends My Foggy Stuff

 [embedit snippet=”froggy-stuff”]

Amazing right?!?! Assuming you’re still with me and haven’t already started searching the house for the goodies you’ll need to get creating, I have a little more info to share. You can find My Froggy Stuff on YouTube, Facebook and G+ They also have a blog.

doll accessories - Such a cute way to make doll cakes! The instruction video is so easy to follow.

I could go on and on about the learning benefits this group is handing out. (Inspiration, creativity, pretend play opportunities, fine muscle practice, ability to follow directions.) But you’ve been with me long enough to spot these skills on your own, right?

doll accessories - Such a cute way to make doll cakes! The instruction video is so easy to follow.

Uh oh! Looks like someone is having a party while Little M is at school.

** The link to the Littlest Pet Shop is an affiliate link.


  1. This is pretty cool. When I was a boy, I’d have wanted to do this, but under the guise of making it for Chewbacca and Boba Fett.

    And this is a reminder that my baby, who turns 9 on Sunday, has probably packed up her baby dolls for good.

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