Search Results for: toddler tuesday

10 fun (and easy) TODDLER activities

Looking for some easy activities to keep your toddler entertained?  Well here are 10 of my favorite Toddler activities.  ENJOY! Corn Starch Painting Monster Ball Game Sticky Shapes Ripping Magazines Dress up Flannel Stories Lego’s for Toddlers Singing Obstacle Course Non Toxic Finger Paint Is that a good enough start?  Don’t worry there will be more……

Toddler MONSTER ball game

Toddler Tuesday will be dedicated to those curious, quick, and fun little people that toddle all around.  Some of the posts will be brand new, some will take an activity that I did already and make them toddler friendly…. but they will all be playful and educational. Did you see this mornings post?  How fun right!?!?…

FAIRY house

Did you see our Fairy Play and Book Review yesterday?  You should.  Of course after so much talk about these mysterious little creatures we all wanted to create a little bit more fairy magic.  Luckily I had packed such a big box for our extended sleep over. fairy house making supplies ~recycled containers (chip container, milk carton,…